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湮灭 英国生物家 获得2002年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 X区域 德尔格 闪光 美军 阿玛亚堡 正门 非法侵入者 将被起诉 灯塔 湮灭 你都吃了什么东西 你只带了两周的补给 What did you eat? You had rations for two weeks. 却在里面待了将近四个月 You were inside for nearly four months. 我不记得有吃东西 I dont remember eating. 你觉得自己在里面待了多久 How long did you think you were inside? 几天 Days. 也许几周 Maybe weeks. 乔茜拉德克怎么了 What happened to Josie Radek? - 我不知道 - 谢帕德呢 - I dont know. - What about Sheppard 托恩森呢 Thorensen? 死了 Dead. 文崔斯呢 Ventress? 我不知道 I dont know. 那你知道什么 Then what do you know? 这是细胞 This is a cell. 跟所有细胞一样 它是从现有细胞分hearts;裂hearts;出来的 Like all cells, it is born from an existing cell. 展开来讲 And by extension, 根本上 所有的细胞 都是从一个细胞中分hearts;裂hearts;出来的 all cells were ultimately born from one cell. 它是地球上唯一的单细胞生物 A single organism alone on planet Earth, 也许是宇宙中唯一的一个 perhaps alone in the universe. 大约在40亿年前… About four billion years ago... 一个变成两个 两个变成四个 one became two, two became four. 然后是八个 16个 32个 Then eight, 16, 32. 这种一分为二的规律… The rhythm of the dividing pair... 成为每一种微生物 青草 which becomes the structure of every microbe, 海洋生物 陆地生物和人类的 blade of grass, sea creature, land creature... 体系 and human. 每一种活着的… The structure of everything that lives... 和死去的生物的体系 and everything that dies. 作为医学院的学生 明天的医生 As students of medicine, as the doctors of tomorrow, 这就是你们的角色 this is where you come in. 我们看到的细胞来自一个肿瘤 The cell were looking at is from a tumor. 女性患者 30出头 细胞取自她的子hearts;宫hearts;颈 Female patient, early 30s, taken from the cervix. 在下学期的课程中 Over the course of the next term, 我们将仔细研究试管内的癌细胞 we will be closely examining cancer cells in vitro 讨论自噬活性 and discussing autophagic activity. - 教授 - 嘿 凯蒂 - Professor? - Hey, Katie. 我昨晚读了约翰?苏尔斯顿的论文 I read the John Sulston paper last night. 我还是觉得自己不够努力 I still feel like Im not working hard enough. 我落后于其他学生了 Im behind the other students. 他们找东西太容易了 They find everything easier. 你没有落后 他们也没那么容易 You arent, and they dont. - 好吗 - 莉娜 - OK? - Lena! 丹 Dan. 我吃中饭的时候一直在找你 但你一直没出现 Ive been looking for you at lunch, but you never seem to be around. 我有一些报告要赶 Ive been catching up on


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