The Batman vs Dracula: The Animated Movie《蝙蝠侠大战德古拉(2005)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Batman vs Dracula: The Animated Movie《蝙蝠侠大战德古拉(2005)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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蝙蝠侠 大战 德古拉 (阿克汉姆疯人院) B-7 G-46 被警hearts;察hearts;抓住之前,我把钱藏起来了 Before the cops nabbed me, I stashed cash. 有几百万! Millions. 嗨!坐下! Hey! Sit down! 你听到了吗?几百万! Did you hear me? Millions! 你没看见我手气正好吗? Cant you see Im on a roll here? 别这样,企鹅,听我说完! Come on, Penguin. Hear me out! 咳咳! Ahem! 中了!嘿…… Bingo! Hur.. N-17 我在监狱里呆了三十年 It was thirty years in the slammer and 在阿克汉姆又呆了十年(中了!) ten here in Arkham.(Bingo!) 但是实际上 But the fact is, 我在这个疯人院一天也呆不下去了! I cannot take one more day in the cuckoos nest. 我愿意把赃款五五分成 I am willing to split the take 50-50, 如果你能把我们弄出去的话 if, you can get us out of here. 那我们要去哪里拿回这些“鸟蛋”呢? And where might we retrieve our little nest egg? 北城区的哥谭墓园 Gotham Cemetary, north end. 在一个墓碑上有十字架的坟里头 The crypt behind the tombstone with the cross. 但是我想关于具体的方位 But I think Ill keep more specific directions 我们俩一起到那里时我再告诉你吧 to myself until we get there together. 老伙计,你可以毫无疑虑地相信我 You dont have to worry about trusting me, old pal. 我可是跟渡渡鸟一样可靠 Im as dependable as the dodo. 我知道你靠得住,企鹅 I knew you were rock solid, Penguin. 不像其他人 Not like that other guy. 你告诉别人了? You told someone else? 嗯,我开始去找那个从这里逃出去的… Well, first I went to the only one whos escaped …次数比你还多的人 from here more times than you. 谁? Who? 放松 Take it easy! 我觉得他没弄懂我说了什么 I dont think he got what I was telling him. 谁?谁?谁?? Who, who, who?? 我说,不就是个脑子坏掉的家伙,对吗? I mean, talk about having a real screw loose, right? 你告诉他了? You told him? 小丑!他逃跑了! Joker! Hes escaped! 再见,阿克汉姆 Goodbye Arkham, 你好,哥谭! hello, Gotham! 那个疯子抢先了我一步! That crook loops got the step on me! 快点!快点! Come on, come on! 说你呢! That means you! 哦哦!小丑! Ooh, its Joker! 哪里? Where? 中了! Bingo. 啾,啾 Tweet, tweet. 企鹅,你这个蠢货 Penguin, you old featherbrain. 你怎么从阿克汉姆出来啦? What brings you out of Arkham? 和你一样,小丑 Same as you, clowny. 但是我想我们能省去一堆麻烦, But I think we can save each other a whole lot of 如果我们同意平分赃款的话 trouble if we agree to split the take. 明白你的意思 See your point. 合作? Partners? 我的小企鹅,你摇得真好看! My, Pengy. You really know how to shake! 因果报应啊,小丑 Instant karma, Joker. 不hearts;穿hearts;拘束衣的话,在雨里会淋湿的 Don


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