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发条橙 那是我 There was me. 艾力克斯 和我的三个死党 That is, Alex, and my three droogs. 彼特 乔治和迪姆 That is, Pete, Georgie and Dim. 我们坐在可罗瓦奶吧 And we sat in the Korova Milk Bar... 试着决定 ...trying to make up our rassoodocks... 晚上要做些什么 ... what to do with the evening. 可罗瓦奶吧卖hearts;hearts;的是特级牛奶 The Korova Milk Bar sold milk plus. 牛奶加上菲罗赛 Milk plus vellocet 或 辛乐梅 或 瑞克隆 药物 or synthemesc or drencrom... 这就是我们在喝的 ... which is what we were drinking. 它会让人精神振奋 This would sharpen you up... 准备来一点超暴hearts;力hearts; ...and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence. 在都柏林可爱的城市 In Dublin s fair city 女孩们都如此美丽 Where the girls are so pretty 我第一眼望见的 I first set my eyes 哦 甜蜜的茉莉梅隆 On sweet Molly Malone 当她推着她的推车 As she wheeled her wheelbarrow 穿过大街小巷 Through streets broad and narrow 叫卖hearts;hearts;着海扇 Crying cockles 还有壳菜 And mussels.... 我无忍hearts;受的一件事 One thing I could never stand... 就是看到肮脏的老酒鬼 ... was to see a filthy, dirty old drunkie... 大声唱着他老子的肮脏歌hearts;曲 ...howling away at the filthy songs of his fathers... 中间还夹着咘啦咘啦的声音 ...and going blerp blerp in between... 像是他发臭的身体里的肮脏乐团 ...as it might be a filthy, old orchestra in his stinking guts. 不管他年纪如何 我没法忍hearts;受看见有人这个样子 I could never stand to see anyone like that, whatever his age. 尤其是当他真的很老 像是这一位 But more especially when he was real old, like this one was. 可以赏点钱吗 我的兄弟 Can you spare some cutter, me brothers? 来呀 宰了我 你们这些杂种懦夫 反正我不想活了 Go on ! Do me in, you bastard cowards! 我不想再活下去了 I dont want to live anyway. 在这样一个发臭的世界里 Not in a stinking world like this. 哦 这世界有什么这么臭 And whats so stinking about it? 这是个发臭的世界 因为不再有法律和秩序 Its a stinking world because theres no law and order anymore! 它很臭 这世界任由年轻人去教训老年人... It stinks because it lets the young get onto the old... 就像你们做的 ...Like you done! 这世界再也容不下老头子 Its no world for an old man any longer. 这是个什么样的世界 What kind of a world is it at all? 人类到了月球 Men on the moon . 绕着地球旋转 Men spinning around the earth . 但却没有人注意到 And theres not no attention paid... 地球已没有法律和秩序 ...to earthly law and order no more.


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