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-很漂亮 不是吗? -是的 长官 -A real beauty, aint she? -Yes, sir. 跟你说 买hearts;hearts;下这艘飞船 好好对她... Tell you what. You buy this ship, treat her proper... 她就能陪你渡过下半生 shell be with you for the rest of your life. 你买hearts;hearts;了这艘船 长官? You paid money for this, sir? 有目的? On purpose? 怎么? 行了 说真的 佐依 你认为如何? Wha-- Come on, seriously, Zoe, what do you think? 说实话吗 长官 我想你是被宰了 Honestly, sir? I think you got robbed. 被宰? 什么意思? Robbed? Wha--What do you mean? 这是艘[废物] Its a piece of.... [废物]? 好吧 她是赢不了什么选美大赛 但是很结实 Uh, okay, she wont be winning any beauty contests anytime soon...but she is solid. 像这样的船 会陪伴你到死 Ship like this, be with you till the day you die. -因为这是死亡陷阱 -不是的... -Because its a death trap. -Thats not... 你非常缺乏想象力 You are very much lacking in imagination. 我就是那样想的 长官 I imagine thats so, sir. 来吧 你还没看到全部 我带你看看余下的 Come on. You havent even seen most of it.Let me show you the rest 不要只专注于她是什么 专注于她能成为什么 and try to see past what she is...and on to what she can be. -那是什么 长官? -就是自hearts;由hearts; -Whats that, sir? -Freedom is what. 我是说那是怎样? I meant whats that? 跳过这段啦 这里肯定有人住过 Yeah, just step around that. I think something must have been living in here. 佐依 我们找个机械师 启动她 重新运转... I tell you, Zoe, we get a mechanic, get her up and running again... 雇个好的驾驶员 或者厨师 活得像个人样儿 hire a good pilot, maybe a cook--Live like real people. 小团队 他们一定会向往自hearts;由hearts; 有啥干啥 A small crew--They must feel the need to be free. Take jobs as they come. 永远不用再看旁人脸色过活 They never have to be under the heel of nobody ever again. 无论联盟的势力有多远... No matter how long the arm of the Alliance might get... 我们会让自己飞的更远一点 well just get ourselves a little further. -让她重新运转起来? -是的 -Get her running again? -Yeah. -现在不能运转? -不太能 但会的 -So not running now? -Not so much. But she will. 我已经给她起了个名字 一个响亮亮的名字 I already know what Im gonna call her. Got a name all picked out. 萤火虫 第一季 第九集 不 不是那样的 That is not true. No. 不 我发誓是的 no. I swear it is. 你们当中肯定有人告诉他了 Surely one of you must have told


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