高中英语_人教版必修二Unit1阅读课From Problems to Solutions教学课件设计.ppt

高中英语_人教版必修二Unit1阅读课From Problems to Solutions教学课件设计.ppt

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Period 2 Reading and Thinking From Problems to Solutions Background Knowledge 阿斯旺视频 Fast Reading 1. style? (narration?argumentation?expository writing?) 2. topic? 3. How to explain its topic? (例子?图表?比较?引用?......) General structure Topic: Example: (Aswan Dam project) Conclusion: para 2--5 para 6 para 1 激活话题 Part1--para1 economic development protect the cultural relics problems solutions keep balance between... and... 激活话题词: 根据话题、语境,翻译下列话题词 1.economic development 1.protection of cultural relics 2.progress 3.the new 2.preserve everything from past 3.the old How to solve a problem? find a problem evaluate a solution implement(实施) a solution find a solution Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: Para 5: find a problem find a solution implement(实施) a solution evaluate a solution para2: 1. What proposal did Egyptian government make? Why? 2. Why did proposal lead to protests? 3. What did the government do with the problem? find a problem para 2 将下列话题词翻译成精准汉语: 1. control flood, produce electricy, supply water 2. proposal lead to protests 3. damage/destroy 4. turn to ...for help 激活话题词 提议遭到反对 para3 How did UN deal with the problem? find a solution department ____________, raised ______ internationally investigated the ______, ________ several tests made a ________, signed a _________ 将下列话题词翻译成精准汉语: establish a committee, limit damage, prevent the loss, departments of UN conducted contributions funds issue proposal document 控制破坏 防止损失 联合国各部门 para4 How were the cultural relics saved? How long and how much donation did the project take? bring together...and... take down piece by piece move and put back together implement(实施) a solution 将下列话题词翻译成精准汉语: 凝聚,集合...... 一块块拆卸 运送并组装 para5 Why was the project regarded as a great success? a path to the future run over the relics work together to build evaluate a solution 将下列话题词翻译成精准汉语: 通往未来的出路 毁掉文化遗产 团结一致去建立 reading and writing skills 1959 1960 1961 over the next 20 years


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