译林版英语八年级上册 8A Unit7 Revision 复习课件.ppt

译林版英语八年级上册 8A Unit7 Revision 复习课件.ppt

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词 汇 篇 n. 1.阵雨 2.温度 3.云 4.发烧 5.风 6.其余的部分 词 汇 篇 v. 1.下降,落下 2.上升 3.咳嗽 4.吹,刮 5.打电话 6.扔 7.引起,使发生 1.I bet you look cool and feel cool with nothing on! 我敢说你什么都不穿看上去感觉上去都很酷! 1 我今天感到有点冷。 I feel _________/a little cold today. 2 瓶子里有一点水。 There is ________/a little water in the bottle. 短语篇 1.看起来酷 2.不穿衣服感觉酷 3.充满 4.是放风筝的好时候 5.在花丛中嬉戏 6.变成棕色 7.躲避阵雨 8.夏日的美好回忆 9.忙于收割庄稼 22.引起/导致许多问题 23.不得不用围巾遮住他们的脸 24.伴随着30多度的气温 25.在傍晚抵达 26.堆雪人,打雪仗 27.用胡萝卜作为雪人们的鼻子 28.在雨/雪天 29.进行短途环城旅行 30. ……的原因(两种) 句型篇 1.我打赌说什么不穿看起来酷,感觉也凉爽。 2.鸟儿飞向远方,去寻找温暖明媚的天堂。 3.春天风和日丽,正是放风筝的好时光! 4.蜜蜂和蝴蝶在花丛中嬉戏,有时要躲避四月阵雨的突袭。 5.厚厚的白雪覆盖了一切,湖泊和河流都结冰了。 6.我们向对方扔雪球,叫着,笑着。 7.本周的剩余几天/时间阳光与蓝天将与我们为伴。 8. 明天将有雨/下雨。 9.明天天气将会如何?(2种) 6.He found his friend generous. 7.She is singing. 8.They protect endangered animals. 9.I love my parents 10.The man looks young. 13.Liu Ming is running. 14.Mary is reading an English book. 15.Tigers are dangerous. 16.Father bought me a new book. 17.We keep our classroom clean and tidy. 单项选择 ( )1. Mum, what are you cooking? It ______ so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells ( )2. Some of the apples are bad, but I believe the rest ________ sweet. A.taste B.tastes C.are tasted D.is tasted ( )3. Lucy did all kinds of things to make the baby _______. A. to stop crying B. to stop to cry C. stop crying D. stop to cry ( )4. The structure of this sentence “My uncle gave me a nice computer.” is ___. A. S+V+O B. S+V+IO+DO C. S+V+P D. S+V+DO+OC ( )5. What a heavy rain! Will it last long? _______. We’re getting into the rainy season now. A. Of course not. B. I’m afraid so. C. That’s impossible. D. I’m afraid not. ( )6. -Are you still reading the book Gullivers travels? -Yes, it is long. I still need time to finish it. A. a bit; a bit of B. a bit of; a bit of C. a bit; a bit D. a bit of


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