Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C 教案 初中英语仁爱版八年级上册(2021年).doc

Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C 教案 初中英语仁爱版八年级上册(2021年).doc

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Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C 教案 教材内容分析 本课通过李医生有关保持健康的报告,让学生清楚日常生活中应该如何保持健康。并学习反身代词的用法。 二.教学目标 1.语言能力目标: 能够读懂与健康相关的文章并学会利用从阅读中获得的单词,短语,句子来表达如何保持健康的一些建议并完成写作。 2.学习能力目标: 能够学习阅读技巧与策略(predicting, skimming, careful reading),同时学会reading for writing。 3.思维品质目标: 能够从阅读中学到一些如何保持健康的观点,并学会用mind--map的形式对这些观点进行整理,归类,概括 ;培养综合归纳分析能力。 4.文化品格目标: 能够让学生意识到健康的重要性,同时愿意去帮助那些处于困境中的人。 三.教学重、难点 1.教学重点: Getting to know the reading skills and strategies. Reading for writing. 2.教学难点: Getting to know the reading skills and strategies. Reading for writing. 教学策略、 1.通过问题设置,建立以学生为主的探究模式,由易到难深入理解文本,并通过小组竞争进行课堂评价,让学生在老师为主导学生为主体的教学环境中形成自主探究式学习模式。 2.利用板书形成思维导图,引导学生利用板书掌握文本内容及结构写文章。 3.利用小组活动,开展互助合作,小组竞赛,培养学生竞争意识。 五.教学准备 小黑板或幻灯片/录音机/图片 六.教学过程 Step 1 Lead in Greeting. Play a word game. Have a free talk about what can make people healthy. Step 2 Pre--reading Task1. Predicting(预测)(让学生听听力来猜测文章主题) 1.What is the article about? It’s about how to keep healthy. (设计意图:激活学生的耳朵,同时培养学生阅读策略当中的预测与推断能力。) Step 3 While--reading Task2. Skimming(略读) Find the topic sentence of each paragraph. Paragraph1.We need to have healthy eating habits. Paragraph2.Playing sports helps us keep fit. Paragraph3.Happiness is important for our health. Paragraph4.We must stay away from smoking and drinking. (设计意图:培养学生的skimming技巧,同时了解文章的结构。) Step 4 Careful reading(细读) Task 3. Read paragraph 1 and find the information 1)We shouldnt go to school without it . 2)You should eat healthy food like_____ and______. 3)_________will make you fat and unhealthy. Task 4. Read paragraph 2 and answer the questions. 1)What should you do when you play them? 2)Because of accidents, what do we need to learn? Task 5. Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions. 1)Is it important for us to keep healthy? 2)What is the best medicine? Task 6. Read paragraph 4 and write a similar sentence. ?You must stay away from smoking and drinking. You must ____ ____ ____smoking and d


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