
少年谢尔顿第四季章节台词Young Sheldon S04E03.docx

少年谢尔顿第四季章节台词Young Sheldon S04E03.docx

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Young.Sheldon.S04E03 第 第 PAGE 一 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 Young.Sheldon.S04E03 Previously on Young Sheldon... 《少年谢尔顿》前情提要 - So, hes really good to graduate? - ?He sure is. -所以他真的可以毕业了吗 -当然 Do you think I can make it from one end 你觉得我有办法 of the college campus to the other 10分钟内从大学校区的一侧 in under ten minutes, including a bathroom break? 走到另一侧而且还包含上厕所的时间吗 How important is the bathroom break? 这上厕所的时间重要吗 Very. The class schedules are designed 非常重要 课程表是设计给 for fully grown bladders, and mine is child-sized. 膀胱完全成熟的成年人 但我的膀胱还是小孩版 One other bit of business. 另外还有一件事 Since youre graduating top of the class, 你提早毕业而且成绩又是第一 that makes you our valedictorian. 你会是优秀毕业生致辞代表 Im so proud of you, baby. 宝贝 我真为你感到骄傲 You seem surprised. 感觉你挺意外啊 Well, its quite an accomplishment. 这可是挺了不起的成就呢 In this school? I dont think so. 在这所学校里当第一吗 还好吧 Were really gonna miss you. 我们绝对会想死你的 Ive always enjoyed math word problems. 我从小就喜欢解数学应用题 Try wrapping your noggin around this one. 你也来试着解解看这题吧 A brilliant young boy named Sheldon 有位聪明绝顶名叫谢尔顿的少年 is about to start college. 马上要去上大学了 He needs to get from his linear algebra class 他需要从线性代数课堂教室 to his physics class, which is 822 meters away. 赶到距离822米的物理学教室 If his stride is 23 inches long and he only has ten minutes, 如果他一步是58.4公分 而且只有10分钟的时间 how many steps would he have to take per minute 他每分钟需要走多少步 to make it on time? Its a doozy, isnt it? 才能够准时到达教室呢 是个难题吧 Dont worry. 别担心 Ill show my work. 我会演示我的计算过程 First, we must determine the maximum velocity achievable 首先 我们需要计算出在不出汗的情况下 without breaking a sweat. 最快的速度是多少 Sweating is for jocks and those who are worried the jig is up. 只有运动员跟做坏事担心被抓的人才会流汗 Hi, Sheldon. 你好啊 谢尔顿 Not now, Billy. Im in the middle of a math problem. 比利 我现在没空 正在解数学题呢 Okay. 好吧 Darn it. 可恶 What are you looking for? 你在看什么呢 Chest hairs. 胸毛 Is there any chance Ill hit puberty in the next few weeks? 我有可能在接下来的几周间进入青春期吗 Oh, God, I hope not. Why? 天啊 可千万别 为什么这么问 The campus is so big, Ill never make it from one class to another 校区太大了 我光凭自己绝对赶不上课 without a solid do


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