
少年谢尔顿第四季章节台词Young Sheldon S04E02.docx

少年谢尔顿第四季章节台词Young Sheldon S04E02.docx

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Young.Sheldon.S04E02 第 第 PAGE 一 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 Young.Sheldon.S04E02 为您展示 Sheldon Coopers top 5 Sources of News from my Childhood. 谢尔顿·库珀童年时期的前五大新闻消息来源 Number five: 第五名 Star Trek Fan Club Magazine. 《星际旅行》粉丝俱乐部杂志 Good to know. 好棒好棒 Number four: the Weather Cube from RadioShack. 第四名 睿侠电器行买到的气象盒 The humidity is 90% 湿度是90% with a dew point of 79.5 degrees. 露点是26.3摄氏度 Mom! 妈妈 The dew point is 79.5 degrees. 露点是26.3摄氏度 Okay. 好的 Number three: 第三名 The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. 《PBS新闻一小时》 Such a great theme song. 这主题曲真的是赞 Number two: 第二名 Meemaw after a few beers. 酒过三巡的姥姥 It took a while, but we finally picked a new name 虽然废了点时间 但我们把保龄球队的 for my bowling team: The Ball Busters. 队名给定下来了 叫鸡飞蛋打母老虎 Hey, Mom. 妈妈 Guess what Meemaw named her bowling team? The Ball... 你猜姥姥的保龄球队叫什么名字 叫鸡飞蛋... And the number one source of news from my childhood: 而我童年时期第一名的新闻消息来源是 the bulletin board at the train store. 小火车店的公告板 News about trains in a store full of trains. 在充满小火车的商店里张贴的火车新闻 Yummy. 美滋滋 How did this not make The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour? 这么重要的事《PBS新闻一小时》怎么没报 The train museums looking for a docent. 火车博物馆在找讲解员 Whats a docent? 什么是讲解员 Its a person in a museum who gives information on the exhibits. 就是博物馆里给人讲解展品的人 Do you think theyd let someone your age do that? 你觉得他们会要你这个年纪的人吗 Why not? I have a high school diploma. 有何不可 我可是有高中毕业文凭 True. 的确 I know more about trains than anybody. 我比任何人都懂火车 True. 对的 And I have the unique ability to wear people down until I get my way. 而且我有强大无比的软磨硬泡绝技 So true. 太对了 Hello. I understand youre looking for a docent. 你好 我看到你们在找讲解员 Im 11 years old, but you should know 我目前11岁 但我告诉你们 I have a high school diploma 我已经有高中文凭 and I know more about trains than anybody. 而且我比任何人都懂火车 You still sound on the fence. 感觉你的语气还是有些迟疑 It was time to break out my unique ability. 是时候用出我的独门绝招了 Let me tell you about every model train I own 让我跟你说说我拥有的每一台模型火车 and what each of them means to me. 以及它们对我都有什么意义 The first locomotive I ever received... 我所拥有的第一个火车头是... Wouldnt you know


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