
少年谢尔顿第四季章节台词Young Sheldon S04E09.docx

少年谢尔顿第四季章节台词Young Sheldon S04E09.docx

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Young.Sheldon.S04E09 第 第 PAGE 一 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 Young.Sheldon.S04E09 Previously on Young Sheldon... 《少年谢尔顿》前情提要 You must be Coach Ballards ex-wife. 想必你就是巴拉德教练的前妻啦 Yeah. Why? 是啊 怎么了吗 Im kind of dating your ex-husband. 我貌似正在跟你前夫交往 I knew who you were the whole time. 其实我早就知道你是谁 Thats why I came over here. 所以我才坐过来 Nicely played. 靠 高招啊 We ought to go out for drinks one night. 我们改天一定要一起出去喝一杯 Hell yeah! ? 那必须的 College is a time for new experiences, 大学时光让人获得全新体验 being exposed to exciting ways of thinking, 接触激动人心的思考方式 meeting people from different backgrounds, 结识来自不同背景的人 and the unexpected visit from your dad in gym shorts. 还会发生你爸穿着运动短裤突然来访的尴尬事 What are you doing here? 你怎么会在这 I got a phone call. 我接到一通电话 Apparently, the head of the college wants to talk to us. 校长好像有事想跟我们谈 - Oh, good. ?- You sure its good? -那就好 -你确定是好事 Well, its better than what I thought when I saw you, 总好过我刚才看见你时 - which was, Uh-oh, Meemaw died. ?- Come on. -第一反应是姥姥去世了 -走吧 I was hoping in college you wouldnt 我本来希望你上大学后 get called to the principals office anymore., 就不会再被叫去校长办公室了,中学 Shes not the principal. Shes the president., 她不是中学校长 是大学校长,总统 So if youre in trouble, youre in big trouble. 所以你现在要是闯祸 也比以前严重很多倍 Thats a fun way to look at it. 你这角度挺清奇的 Gentlemen, please have a seat. 先生们 请坐 Sheldons only been here a few weeks. 谢尔顿才来了几周 I hope hes not in trouble already. 但愿不是他已经惹出麻烦了 What kind of trouble? Did something happen? 什么样的麻烦 出什么事了吗 Ooh, maybe its from when I decided... 也许是在我决定... Uh, uh, all good. 没事没事 Uh, you keep talking. 您继续说 Well, Ill just get right to the point. 那我就直接说正题了 Uh, I would like you and your son 我想要你和你儿子 to meet with a very important benefactor of the college. 跟本校一位非常重要的捐助人见面 Why us? 为什么是我们 Well, I mean, Sheldon is... 毕竟谢尔顿 is an impressive addition to the physics program, 为物理系增色不少 and-and we like our donors to feel really good 我们希望捐助者觉得 about where their moneys going. 自己所投入的钱不会白费 I get it. You want the star quarterback 我懂 你想让明星四分卫 to shake some hands with the boosters. 去跟支持者们握个手 - Exa


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