
少年谢尔顿第四季章节台词Young Sheldon S04E08.docx

少年谢尔顿第四季章节台词Young Sheldon S04E08.docx

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Young.Sheldon.S04E08 第 第 PAGE 一 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 Young.Sheldon.S04E08 Previously on Young Sheldon... 《少年谢尔顿》前情提要 Hello, Mrs. Cooper. I just wanted to let you know, 你好 库珀太太 我只是想告诉你 with Dr. Sturgis away, 虽然斯特吉斯博士不在了 Ill be available should Sheldon need anything. 但是以后我也会帮忙照看谢尔顿 Now, Im not terribly experienced around children. 我对照顾小孩的经验不算太多 想请问一下 If he needs to use the restroom, 如果他想上厕所 I dont have to go in with him, do I? 我不需要陪他进去吧 I dont need you to babysit me. 我不需要你来当我的保姆 Im perfectly self-reliant. 我完全可以自力更生 Then its good I kept the receipt 幸好我还留着这个 for this bottle of bubbles shaped like a bear. 熊形状吹泡泡瓶的收据 Welcome to the world of philosophy. 欢迎来到哲学的世界 Im going to teach you 我要教导你们 that you dont even know what you think you know. 其实你们以为自己懂的事物 你们并非真的懂 Oh, boy. 天啊 - Im not going to school. - Why not? -我不去学校 -为什么 Because I dont know whats real. 因为我不知道什么才是真的 Nothing matters. 什么都不重要了 George?! 乔治 All right, whats the problem here? 好啦 所以是有什么问题 I dont know whats real. 我不知道何为真何为假 Thats a fun thing to think about on the way to school. 这个有趣的问题你可以在上学的路上思考 Get up and get dressed. 赶紧起床换衣服 Maybe Im already dressed. 也许我已经穿好了 Maybe Im wearing a zoot suit and spats. 也许我正穿着佐特西装与靴套 Thats a shoe covering thats short for Spatterdasher. 这是套在靴子上的东西 全名是高筒靴鞋套 Or is it? 但真是这样吗 Theres no way to know. 我们无从得知 Heres what I know: I dont have time for this nonsense. 我只知道我没时间听你在这里胡说八道 What is time? 何谓时间 What is sense? 何谓道 What is is? 何谓是 Sheldon, I mean it. 谢尔顿 我是说真的 I remember when things meant things. 曾经理即是理 All right, Im gonna count to three. One... 好 我现在数到三 一 Believing in numbers-- that takes me back. 相信数字的意义 令我想起当年啊 - Two... - To be or not to be. -二 -生存还是死去 Shakespeare was onto something. 莎士比亚颇有见地啊 Its your last chance. 这是你最后的机会了 Have you ever wondered if youre the tongue 你可曾想过 或许你只是 of a multidimensional being trying to taste something 某个多维生物的舌头 正在试着品味 you can never even understand? 自身永远无法理解的事物呢 I have. 我想过 I talked to him. 我去跟他说过了 Where is your mother? 你妈呢 She had to leave for work. 她上


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