新牛津译林五上《Unit 2 A new studentB》教案(精品).doc

新牛津译林五上《Unit 2 A new studentB》教案(精品).doc

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教学目标 1.?学生能稳固所学句型Is there … Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. Are there … Yes, there are./No, there aren’t. How many … are there There is/are …; 2. 学生能在相应的情境中,灵活运用there be句型,包括它的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句; 3. 学生能围绕Nancy教室,用there be句型进行问答; 4. 学生能综合运用there be句型及其一般疑问句和特殊疑问句来描述自己教室或自己梦想中的房间或地点。 2学情分析 通过第一单元和第二单元Story time局部的学习,大局部学生已根本掌握there be句型的用法,对于单复数的运用也较为准确,同时也有局部学生对there be?句型的问句不够熟悉,在真实情境中运用不够娴熟。 3重点难点 教学重点: 1. 学生能在创设的情景中反复使用、稳固there be句型的一般和特殊疑问句式; 2. 学生能掌握there be一般疑问句中肯定、否认答复及特殊疑问句的答复。 教学难点: 1. 学生在创设的情境中能灵活运用there be 句型的肯定、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其答句; 2. 学生能在学习中养成积极动脑,乐意提问的习惯; 3. 学生综合语用能力能有一定提高。 4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 教学活动 活动1【导入】Greeting & Warm up 1. Free talk. T: Are we all here How many students are there in our class How many students are there in your group 2. Games. (1) Listen and guess: What place is it a. There are a lot of books in the bookcases. The students read books here. What place is it (library) 聊:Is there a library in our school What do you think about our library b. There are a lot of funny things, like balls. The students have PE lessons here. We can run, jump and play football or basketball here. Where is it (playground) 聊:Is there a playground in our school What do you think about it What do you usually do in the playground c. There are some pictures on the wall. The students draw pictures here. What room is it (art room新授) 聊:Where is the art room in our school Is there an art room in Nancy’s school d. There are some glasses and other interesting things. The students have Science lessons here. What room is it (science room) 聊:Do you like science Where is the science room in our school What about the music rooms Where are they e. 读一读基数词、序数词,引导学生掌握,并记住前面要加the。 (2) Fast response.游戏到table tennis room 为止。 活动2【活动】Review 1. T: Nancy is a new student. But she also knows a lot about the rooms in her new school. Look, I’m Nancy now. Let me show you. 示范复述。 2. 让学生两人合作准备,再指名复述。 活动3【活动】Presentation (Fun time) 1. T: Is


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