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三. Lab diagnosis HIV isolation: HIV Ag detection p24(+) (ELISA):indicate HIV replication, prognosis HIV nucleic acid detection early diagnosis/infants and new born diagnosis/drug evaluation Ab detection: ELISA Western Blot ——confirmation Acute infection AIDS HIV and AIDS Viral load predicts survival time 五.Prevention and treatment 1. prevention: Education led to leveling off of rate of increase in AIDS vaccine :variation, integration… 2. treatment: AZT—— reverse transcriptase inhibitor early use HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy, combinations of antiretroviral drugs, 鸡尾酒法) has greatly slowed death rate Possible treatments Anti-HIV Strategies Highly Active Anti- Retroviral Therapy HAART: Two nucleoside analog RT inhibitors and 1 protease inhibitor 复习参考 1. 逆转录病毒的共性 2. HIV的形态特点、复制过程 3. HIV的致病机制、临床分期及其特点 4. HIV的实验室检查 5. 防治原则 名词解释: HAART,receptor of HIV co-receptor of HIV, provirus * * The establishment that the disease is caused by a virus and therefore the ability to produce antibodies against viral antigens led to the first tests for HIV, the ELIZA and Western blot tests. However, there is a 1 to 2 month time lag before antibodies are produced. This can be overcome by using a test that identifies viral RNA rather than antibodies produced against viral protein e.g PCR. The very fact that we can use an antibody test shows us that there is a good immune response and it is neutralizing antibody which gives hope for a vaccine. But the virus is not completely neutralized which argues that a vaccine may be difficult to develop. The virus goes underground within the cells and because it is a retrovirus, is prone to genetic drift. As it changes it overcomes the immune system. As we shall see retroviral vaccines pose special problems and HIV is more complicated than other retroviruses * Human HeLa cells are not infected by HIV because they do not have CD4 antigen. When CD4 gene


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