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Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 形态: 球形、无包膜、50-55nm 基因组:dsDNA,7.8-8.0kb 体外不能培养 预防性疫苗(VLP) 第一个预防人类恶性肿瘤的疫苗 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine 弗朗索瓦丝·巴尔-西诺西 吕克·蒙塔尼 哈拉尔德·楚尔·豪森 低危型HPV: HPV6,11 papillomas(乳头状瘤)or warts(疣), e.g.: Common warts (寻常疣)(刺瘊) Flat warts (扁平疣): tend to disappear spontaneously with time. Anogenital condylomas (尖锐湿疣) 高危型HPV HPV and cancer Some human cancers may be HPV-linked Papilloma viruses are found in 90% of women with cervical cancer HPV 16, 18, 33 Plantar warts 复习思考题 疱疹病毒的共同特点 各型疱疹病毒的感染途径、靶细胞、潜伏部位、所致疾病 与肿瘤有关的疱疹病毒有哪些? HPV与哪些人类疾病密切相关?何谓高危型HPV? 名词解释:潜伏感染(Latent infection) * HSV-2 sero-prevalence by age and time period * J Infect Dis. 2014 Feb;209(3):325-33.? HSV-1 HSV-2 transmission Contact sexual Site of latency Trigeminal ganglia Sacral ganglia Primary infection + 90% subclinical + Gingivostomatitis(龈口炎) + - Herpes encephalitis + - Keratoconjunctivitis(角膜结膜炎) + - cold sores (唇疱疹) + - Genital herpes + + most Neonatal infection(新生儿感染) + + cervical carcinoma - + Overview of Herpesvirus Diseases herpes simplex virus (types 1 and 2) HSV---lip/month/genital herpes/cervical carcinoma varicella zoster virus(水痘带状疱疹v.) VZV---chicken pox/zoster (shingles) Transmission electron micrograph of varicella- zoster virions from vesicle fluid of patient with chickenpox Varicella Zoster Virus (水痘带状疱疹v) 脊髓后根神经节 chickenpox Shingles Latent: Dorsal root ganglia Cranial (颅) nerve ganglia Zoster(Shingles) Typical isolated rash in shingles This is a classic case of chickenpox of the newborn. The infant contracted chickenpox at birth from her infected mother. A severe skin infection has developed on the face and neck and, without treatment, this infection could spread throughout the body and cause serious illness or even death.? Overview of Herpesvirus Diseases herpes simplex virus (types 1 and 2) (单纯疱疹v.) HSV---lip/month/genital herps/cervical carcinoma varicella zoster virus(水痘带状疱疹v.) VZV---chicken pox/zoster (shingles) Human cy


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