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PAGE I PAGE I 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u 摘要 I 关键词 I Abstract I Key words I 引言 1 一、浮来山的文化价值探究 1 (一)浮来山语言文化特征 1 (二)天下第一银杏树语言文化特征 4 (三)华人寻根馆语言文化特征 5 (四)千年古刹定林寺语言文学特征 7 二、景观名称语言文化特征 8 结论 9 参考文献: 10 致谢 12 附录 13 PAGE 10 PAGE 10 浮来山景观名称的语言文化研究 摘要: 浮来山风景区位于日照市莒县城西,有三峰,北为“佛来峰”,西为“浮来峰”,南为“飞来峰”。三峰鼎峙而又拱围相连,唯东面略微开敞。三峰名称由来,有神话传说亦有史证证实。 目前还没有文献从语言文化角度对其名称进行研究。地名是人们赋予地理实体的名称,是一种语言词汇系统中不可或缺的组成部分,本文通过研究浮来山景点景观名称的语言文化特征,通过考察浮来山这一自然资源地名的表层特征挖掘出藏在地名背后深层次的文化内涵,达到既传承物质文化又传承精神文化的目的,对家乡的自然地理景观人文内蕴的开发和研究做出贡献。 关键词:浮来山 景观名称 语言文化 内涵与意义 Language and cultural study of floating mountain landscape namesngs Abstract:Fulai mountain scenic spot is located in the west of Juxian County, Rizhao City, with three peaks, namely Fulai peak in the north, Fulai peak in the West and Feilai peak in the south. The three peaks stand opposite each other and are connected by arches, only slightly open to the East. The origin of the name of Sanfeng is confirmed by myths and legends as well as historical evidence. At present, there is no literature on its name from the perspective of language and culture. Place name is the name given by people to geographical entities, and it is an indispensable part of a language vocabulary system, This paper studies the language and cultural characteristics of the landscape names of fulaishan scenic spots, and explores the deep-seated cultural connotation hidden behind the place names by investigating the surface features of the natural resource place names of fulaishan, so as to achieve the purpose of inheriting both material culture and spiritual culture, and make contributions to the development and Research of the humanistic connotation of the natural geographical landscape of my hometown. Keywords:Floating mountain; Landscape name; Language and culture; Contence and meaning 引 言 谈起浮来山风景区,位于莒县县城城西约8公里处,是国家AAA级旅游景区、省级风景名胜区、省级地质遗迹自然保护区、国际绿色人文景区,被评为2005年山东省十大魅力景点之首,冬暖夏凉,气候宜人,有“天然森林氧吧”之称,是夏季避暑胜地,冬季休闲佳处。浮来山又名浮丘,海拔298.9米,面积10平方公


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