Five Days at Memorial《医院五日(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Five Days at Memorial《医院五日(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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卡特里娜过后的那五天里 医院里的条件... In the five days following Katrina, the conditions in that hospital-- 我从医这么多年 In all my years of medicine... 从未见过那种情况 Ive never seen anything like that, ever. 所以你是说 So, are you saying that 医院里的条件是导致45人死亡的原因 the conditions are the reason why 45 people ended up dead? 不...不仅只是因为条件差 No, no, no, no. It wasnt just the conditions. 没那么简单 Its not that simple. 那也许你可以解释一下 Well, then maybe you can explain. 在那种条件下 也许正是因为那种条件 Well, in those conditions, and perhaps because of those conditions, 人们做出了一些根本不该做出的决定 decisions got made that never should have been made. 我们应该谈谈这个 And we should get to that. 涉水而行 Wade in the water 涉水而行 孩子们 Wade in the water, children 涉水而行 孩子们 Wade in the water Wade in the water, children 涉水而行 Wade in the water 上帝会给这些水域带来麻烦 God is gonna trouble these waters 男子来到河边 Man went down to the river 男子来到河边 上帝啊 Man went down to the river, Lord 男子来到河边 Man went down to the river 来到那里祈祷 Went down there for to pray 噢 Oh 涉水而行 Wade in the water 涉水而行 孩子们 Wade in the water, children (根据雪莉芬克的著作改编) 涉水而行 Wade in the water 上帝会给这些水域带来麻烦 God is gonna trouble these waters 上帝会给这些水域带来麻烦 Gods gonna trouble these waters 《45人死亡》 我们只是刚刚开始了解 We are still just beginning to learn the extent 这场美国历史上最严重的自然灾害 造成了多大程度的死亡和破坏 of the death and the damage in the worst natural disaster in US history. 最终死亡人数 可能要好几天后才能统计出来 Final death toll may not be known for days, 但可能有上千人死亡 -求求你 but it could be in the thousands. -Please. 病得最重的患者正被空运撤离 The neediest patients are being airlifted out. 我们把那个婴儿送到了停机坪 We got the baby up to the helipad, 我和她一起乘直升机飞到了巴吞鲁日 and I flew with her in a helicopter over to Baton Rouge. 超级穹顶体育馆中 避难群众的生活条件越来越差 Conditions worsen for those who took shelter at the Superdome. 我们已经五天没吃东西了 We havent eaten in, like, five days. 条件比监狱还差 在监狱里 你至少有地方撒尿 It was worse than prison. At least in prison you got somewhere to urinate, 解决其他如厕需求 这里什么都没有 and other bathroom needs. Here, you had nothing. 这位女士和她的两个孩子失散了 This woman here has lost her two children. 他们至今下落不明 She dont know where


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