The Phantom of the Open《公开赛魅影(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Phantom of the Open《公开赛魅影(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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我们很快就开始,莫里斯,抱歉让你久等 We re going to start very soon, Maurice. Sorry for the wait. 没关系 Dont worry. 需要喝点什么吗?咖啡? Can I get you anything? Coffee? 你有茶吗? Do you have any tea? 我们有茶 We have some tea. 来杯茶,加牛奶、六块糖 A cup of tea. Milk, six sugars. 六块吗? Six? 是的,六块,谢谢! Yes, six, please. Thank you. 你能谈点想法吗? Can you give me some levels? 谈点什么? Some what? 和我随便聊聊? Can you talk to me? 开始采访了吗?我刚要了杯茶 Has the interview started? Cos I just ordered some tea. 很好 Thats perfect. 好的 Ok. 都就位了吗? We good? 开机了 Rolling. 我还没喝茶呢 Havent got me tea. 好的,准备开始 All right. Were good to go. 三 二 一 In three, two, one. 改编自真实故事 在我面前的是一位高尔夫球界的传奇人物 Im here with a legend of the golfing world. 一位打破纪录,改写历史的人 A man who has broken records and rewritten the history books. 莫里斯·弗立克罗夫特 Maurice flitcroft. 长命百岁 Bless me. 你在 1976 年英国公开赛上一举成名 You made your name in the British open in 1976. 为什么会选择参加那场比赛? Now, why did you choose that particular tournament? 嗯,它…实际上更像是它选中了我 Well, it was...More it chose me, really. 应该是一种召唤 It was a calling. 你们美国人也许称之为命运 You Americans might call it a destiny. 这是个难以置信的命运,不是吗? And it was an unlikely destiny, wasnt it? 因为那时你只是个开吊车的,是吗? Because you were working as a crane operator at the time. Am I right? 是的,我刚开始打高尔夫球时,也就是在 1975 年时 Yes. When I took up the game of golf in, uh, 1975, 我的全职工作是起重机司机,就是你说的开吊车的 I were working full time as a crane driver, or operator, as you would say. 嗯,说说你年轻时候的事吧 well, tell us about the young Maurice flitcroft. 你小时候梦想过成为一名运动员吗? Did you dream of becoming a sportsman as a child? 嗯,我有过很多梦想 Uh, I had dreams. 但是,你懂的,我…我出生的地方 But, uh, you know, where I... Where I come from, 在巴罗因弗内斯(英格兰的一座滨海小城) barrow-in-furness, 那是个小地方,可以这么说吧 its a small world, put it like that. 像我这样的小伙子唯一能找的工作就是去船厂 The only job options for a lad like me was the yard. Shipyard. “造船的料”,他们以前这么称呼我们 Shipyard fodder, they used to call us. 我爸爸在那里工作,我的爷爷也一样 Me dad worked there and his father before im. 从你进厂里工作 You go in on your feet. 一直干到死为止 You come out in a box. 哦,童年时,我当然会有远大的志向 Oh, as a child, I did have ambitions, of cou



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