She-Hulk: Attorney at Law《女浩克(2022)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law《女浩克(2022)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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我不想成为超级英雄 Im not gonna be a superhero. 那你一个浩克还想干什么 What else ya gonna do as a Hulk? 我这部剧的前情提要... Previously, on my show... 还记得我约会的那个崇拜狂吗 Remember my date with the guy with the fetish? 你是叫我样本吗 Did you call me a specimen? 我是在夸你呢 As a compliment. 你应该穿卢克给你定制的 那件超级套装 I wanna see the supersuit that Luke made you. 为什么 我才不hearts;穿hearts; Why? I wont wear it. 你都没告诉我 你被提名“年度女律师”了 You didnt tell me you were nominated for Female Lawyer of the Year. 咱们是不是能参加晚宴了 Do we get to go to a gala? 我朋友给我发了个链接 是一段发在“情报联盟”上的视频 My friend sent me a link to a video post on that site, Intelligencia. 干掉女浩克 -我遇到了一位男士 -我叫乔希 - I met a guy. - Im Josh. 我们约会过几次 进展挺顺利的 We went on a few dates, it was going great. 然后我就联hearts;系hearts;不上他了 And I havent heard from him. 我觉得他就是不辞而别了 You were ghosted. 当你再想起乔希的时候 Next time you think of Josh, 记住我们遇到的每个人 无论他伤害你有多深 everyone we meet, no matter how much they hurt you, 都会让你成长 is a lesson learned. 这台的屏幕是OLED还是QLED Is this OLED or QLED? 我在网上查到 My online research tells me OLED的色彩分辨率和画面质量更好 OLED is better for color resolution and picture quality. 有趣的是 我还真记住了... Funny enough, I actually read the article... 虽然商店关门了 但是别忘了 The store might be closed, but you forgot about 看门蛙还在呢 the Guard Frog. 看门蛙是什么玩意 The hell is a Guard Frog? 这就是他的名字吧 I think its his name. 我的名字叫跳蛙 My name is Leapfrog. 我刚才只是在特定的情况下 扮演看门蛙的角色 Im just acting like Im the Guard Frog in this particular instance. “看门蛙” The Guard Frog? 对 但是我的名字叫跳蛙 Yeah, but my name is Leapfrog. 明白 这点你已经反复声明过了 帕蒂利奥先生 Yes, that has been noted several times, Mr. Patilio. -好吧 -那么 你的战服有质量问题... - Cool. - So, your defective suit... 没错 当时这些壮汉正在围攻我 Right. So, I was surrounded by these huge guys. 霹雳回旋跺 Twisting toe jam! 虽然敌众我寡 但是我看得出来 他们忌惮我 Although I was outnumbered, I could tell they were afraid of me. 所以为了缓和局势 我喊出了标志性的口号hearts; So, in order to de-escalate the situation, I shouted my signature catchphrase. 怒蛙咆哮 全部干掉 Time to ribbit and rip it! 接下来发生的就是 And then next thing I know, 我那件耐九百度高温的防火战服 居然着火了 my inflammable suit with a 900-degree thr



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