Indecent Proposal《桃色交易(1993)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Indecent Proposal《桃色交易(1993)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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劳勃瑞福 黛咪摩儿 伍迪哈里逊 桃色交易 失去黛安娜就像失去了自己 Losing Diana was like losing a part of me. 我以为任何事情都改变不了 我俩对彼此的想法 I thought nothing could change the way we felt about each other. 以为我俩的关系牢不可破 I thought we were invincible. 有人说如果你很想要一件东西 Someone once said, If you want something very badly... 就得放手 set it free. 如果你失而复得 If it comes back to you, 它就永远属于你 its yours forever. 不然的话 If it doesnt, 它根本就不是你的 it was never yours to begin with. 我知道一件事 I knew one thing... 我和大卫是对方的初恋情人 I was Davids to begin with...and he was mine. 你燃亮了我的生命... You light up my life 我们在高中相识 We met in high school. 大卫念高三 我念高一 David was a senior, and I was a freshman. 每次练完合唱 On Wednesdays after Glee Club... 他都会开车送我和好友回家 hed drive me and my best friend home from school. 我习惯从后视镜看他 I used to watch him in the rearview mirror. 我爱上了他的眼睛 I fell in love with his eyes. 我十九岁那年 When I was 19, 大卫在天堂湾的渡口向我求婚 David proposed to me on the pier at Paradise Cove. 我们的父母都反对 Our parents were against it. 说我们太年轻 彼此了解不深 They said we were too young, we really didnt know each other. 但是大卫说 人生没有风险就不是人生 But David said that a life without risk is like no life at all. 所以我们私奔了 So we eloped. 编剧:艾美荷顿琼丝 制片:莎莉蓝辛 我读建筑学校毕业后 在一家小公hearts;司hearts;上班 I graduated from architecture school... and got a job at a small firm. 导演:奥德瑞连恩 黛安娜销hearts;售hearts;房hearts;地hearts;产hearts; 帮忙养家 Diana helped support us by selling real estate. 我空闲时会设计自己的房hearts;子 I spent all of my free time working on a design of my own. 它包含了我所有建筑理念 It summed up everything about architecture that mattered to me. 它是我的“梦之屋” It was my dream house. 大卫 D? 我说过我爱你吗? Have I ever told you I love you? 没有! No. 我爱你 - 仍然爱? I do. Still? 永远爱 Always. 我们也有磨擦 We had our differences. 他习惯脱了衣服随地乱丢 He used to take his clothes off and leave them on the floor. 让我很生气 It made me crazy. 这算什么? What do you think this is? 把鞋子放在桌上 Leaving your shoes on the table? 干嘛呢 - 我不必洗你的臭衣服 What is the problem? - I dont need to do your laundry! 我来捡 你用不着对我动武 Honey, Ill pick it up. You dont have to get violent. 刀子用过也不擦? - 把刀放下! What about this?



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