Mockingbird Lane《怪怪家庭(2012)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Mockingbird Lane《怪怪家庭(2012)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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明天我们没有早点吃了 Theres not gonna be any breakfast tomorrow 因为有人把早餐食物都吃光了 because somebody ate all of our breakfast food. 在我给你们 Would anybody like to say anything 讲思想政hearts;治hearts;之前 before we discuss community, responsibility, 有人想站出来吗 and Wildlife Honor? 我们都知道是谁 We all know who it was. 华hearts;莱hearts;士hearts;饮食严重失调 Wallace has had a serious eating disorder, 我们却视而不见 and we all ignored it. 我们没有视而不见 休伊 No ones ignoring anything, Huey. 那就给他发个最佳身材勋章 Well, someone gave him an honors patch in personal fitness. 不好意思没看到你 Oh. I didnt see you there. 华hearts;莱hearts;士hearts; Wallace! 你打我的时候 我都能听到 I could hear whatever snack wrappers you have 你兜里饼干袋子哗哗响 in your pocket crinkling when you hit me. 那是我的吸汗内衬在响 The crinkle is stay-dry lining. 而且 偷吃东西的应该是动物 Also, whatever got into the foods was probably a wild animal, 比如熊宝宝 like a baby bear. 我看到你藏在高草丛里 I saw you hiding in the tall grass, 偷吃克朗奇上校饼干 eating a box of Colonel Crunch. 他还喊你了呢 -那饼干是我的 He called you out. - That was my Colonel Crunch. 不是我 我对草过敏 Wasnt me. Im allergic to grass. 首先 我们周围遍地是草 First, were surrounded by grass, 估计你是一过敏就饿吧 so I guess your grass allergies make you hungry. 其次 Second... 第三 你难道真以为我们能傻到相信你 And third, did you really think you could make us believe 说森林里边有什么熊宝宝 there was some mysterious wild baby bear out there 还偷吃我们的麦片 in the forest, eating all our sugar cereal? 艾迪·明斯特呢 Wheres Eddie Munster? 那野兽还在外面吗 Is it still out there? 怪怪家庭 知更鸟街1312号hearts; 出hearts;售hearts; 我能问问为什么突然搬家吗 May I ask why the sudden move? 不能 No. 我们到了 这所房hearts;子是座感情馨宅 All right. Well, this, its an emotional property, 非常适合多世同堂的家庭 ideal for any multi-generational family. 我们可不是一般的家庭 Were not just any family. 这所房hearts;子的采光 Well, the sun shines more on this house 也比附近任何一所都要好 than any other house in the neighborhood. 这可不是我们喜欢的特质 Not a feature were looking for. 那座怎么样 What about that one? 那一座 可有着截然不同的情感历史 Its a very emotional property for entirely different reasons. 前主人是个臭名昭著的连环杀人犯 The former owner was a notorious serial killer 专门毒杀流浪者 -我买hear



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