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国有企业科技人才激励现状及对策研究 李晓蓉周利民蒋玉鹤 昆明理工大学管理与经济学院贵研铂业股份有限公 司 摘 要: 随着科技的进步及国有企业改革的不断深入,使得国有企业之间的竞争越演越 烈,尤其是科技人才之间的竞争越发突显出来。为此,如何能够更好地吸引和激 励国有企业科技人才,使其能够更好地发挥创造性,已成为国有企业首要关注 的问题。鉴于此,本文首先对企业科技人才的特性进行了分析,然后在此基础上 分析了当前国有企业科技人才的激励现状与问题。最后,结合问题与科技人才的 特殊需求提出了相应的激励对策。 关键词: 激励;科技人才;科技人才激励; 作者简介: 李晓蓉,女,博士,讲师。研究方向:人力资源管理。 作者简介: 蒋玉鹤,通讯作者,女,硕士,研究方向:人力资源管理。 收稿日期: 2017-04-25 基金: 国家重点实验室开放课题“贵研铂业股份有限公司员工激励方案研究” (编号:KKZ6201508012) Research on the Incentivestatus Quo and Countermeasures of Scientific and Technological Personnelin State-owned Enterprises LI Xiao-rong ZHOU Li-min JIANG Yu-he The Faculty of Management and Economics, Kunming University of Science and Technology; Sino-Platinum Co., Ltd; Abstract: With the progress of science and technology and the further reform of state-owned enterprises, the competition among the state-owned enterprises are intensified, especially the competition in the technologi-cal talents. Therefore, how to attract and encourage technological talents of state-owned enterprises, and let them expand creativity better, has become the first important question which need to be cared by many state-owned enterprises. In view of this, this article firstly makes an analysis about the characteristics of techno-logical talents in enterprises, then based on this, we make an analysis of the current situation of incentive and problems of technological talents in the state-owned enterprises. Finally, we come up with the correspond-ing incentive strategies according to the special demand of technological talents. Keyword: incentive; scientific and technological personnel; the incentives of scientific and technologi cal personnel; Received: 2017-04-25 一、引言 科技进步与经济全球化的发展,使得企业间的竞争越演越烈,尤其是科技人才 间的竞争更为突出。所以,越来越多的国有企业开始重视人力资源,将其作为一 种契约战略性资源而非成本。在人力资源管理和开发中激励管理是一个核心内 容。激励是否科学,与人力资源运用的好坏有着直接的联系,会对企业与员工的 和谐发展产生不同的影响。科技人才是新技术、新知识的带动者、创造者,同时 也是企业的核心竞争力,如何采取有效的方式、方法激励科技人才,提高他们的 工作积极性与产出率,已成为众多国有企业首要考虑的问题。同时,随着国企改 革的不


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