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广州市房地产市场价格的影响因素和价格走势 潘欣 广州市房地产市场价格的影响因素和走势 [摘要]近些年来广州市的商品房一直都保持较高的价格,大大的超过了普通市民们的经济承受能力。针对广州市近年来当家过高的现实状况,从广州经济的可持续发展,供需矛盾,土地价格等方面分析了房价过高过热的原因。本文从宏观和微观两个角度来提出防范我国目前关于房地产的情况相当复杂主要原因不外如下:各种媒体消息中90%是讲房价还要上涨,叫大伙赶快买房。10%的消息讲房价要跌,叫大伙赶快卖房。因此对于房地产金融行业的外围经济环境而言并不是太有利于我国房地产经融行业的发展。针对导致房价过高的诸多因素,从行政手段,法律手段,经济手段提出几点建议,对房价未来的调控进行研判。本文以广州市房地产业为研究对象开展深入的分析,一方面意在探究广州市房地产内在波动特点,寻找其发展的影响因素;另一方面通过对广州市房地产业波动特点的描述分析和影响因素的研究,提出宏观调控的措施和对策。 [关键词]广州市;房价过高;影响因素;宏观调控 The influence factors of Guangzhou real estate prices and price movements [Abstract] In recent years, guangzhou commercial housing has been to maintain high prices, big economic bear ability than the ordinary citizens. Aimed at the reality of guangzhou in recent years in charge is too high, from the guangzhou economys sustainable development, the contradiction between supply and demand, land price etc. It analyses the reasons of the high house prices overheating. Against high prices caused by many factors, from the administrative means, legal means, economic means to put forward some Suggestions, and to control of house prices in the future. The real estate price is affected by many factors and volatility, to grasp the movement rule of real estate prices, however, must find out the influencing factors of real estate prices. Real estate prices is the result of the interaction of many factors, many factors are intertwined together, jointly created the current real estate prices. Based on guangzhou real estate industry as the research object to carry out in-depth analysis, on the one hand, explores the guangzhou real estate internal wave characteristics, to find the influence factors of its development; On the other hand, through the description of the characteristics of the guangzhou real estate fluctuation analysis and research, the influential factors of macroeconomic regulation and control measures and countermeasures are put forward. [Keywords] Influencing factor; housing


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