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毕业论文 (20_ _届) 浙江塑料制品出口竞争力研究 摘 要 目前,低碳经济作为一种可持续的经济发展模式,为我国经济结构的升级创造了新机遇的同时也给高能耗、高排放和高投资的部分制造业带来了新的挑战。浙江省是全国重要的塑料制品生产和出口基地,塑料制品出口总量浙江塑料制品出口存在针对浙江塑料制品出口竞争力存在的问题给出相应的对策关键词: Abstract Presently, low carbon economy as a pattern of sustainable economic development, creating new favorable opportunities for upgrading economic structure of China. Also, bringing new challenges for parts of manufacturing which are higher energy consumption, higher emission and higher investment. Zhejiang Province is one of the most important plastic producer and exporter base of China, and its gross volume of exports takes big proportion of the whole country. However, appreciation of the RMB, big rising in oil, increasing of trade barriers, prevailing of low carbon and protection economic and fierce competition between industries generate the reducing of profits and result in our plastic industry who is higher energy consumption and higher emission, facing bottle-neck in export development. It is antiquated idea only in pursuit of large export volume. Under new sustainable development conception and pattern, plastic exporters in Zhejiang should make further analysis on competition at home and abroad. Such that companies can open new international markets and catch hold of new challenges in low carbon economy. Therefore, when analyze and research problems, such as foreword competition, backward technology, undated creativity etc., which exist in exportation of plastic industry in Zhejiang, this thesis combines Taizhou of Zhejiang, which is a representative base of plastic producer as a case study, to learn the causes that Zhejiang plastic industry export exiting and find out ways how enterprises face kinds of restrictive measures set by other countries and more strictly import strategies. According to which, provides countermeasures including macroscopic, industry and enterprise. Hope it will offer references for further international development of Zhejiang plastic industries. Keywords: plasti


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