中国的贫困瞄准 - IFPRI 2020 conferences.pptVIP

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政府的减贫计划如何使资源有效向穷人传递? How should government make and implement specific poverty reduction program to effectively transfer resources to the poor? Wang Sangui School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China 一、中国的减贫计划 Poverty Reduction Programs in China 农村的开发式扶贫计划 Development oriented PR programs in rural China 整村推进 Integrated village development plan (IVDP) 劳动力转移培训 Promoting migration through labor training 农业产业化扶贫 Development of agribusiness 自愿移民搬迁 Voluntary resettlement 农村的最低生活保障计划 Minimum living standard program in rural China 城市的最低生活保障计划 Minimum living standard program in rural China 二、中国减贫计划的特点 Main Features of China’s PR Programs 不同的计划采用不同的瞄准和资源传递方式 Various targeting and resource delivering mechanism are used in different programs 农村开发式扶贫计划以区域瞄准为主,多种类型的机构参与了资源传递 Regional targeting is adopted in development oriented PR programs in rural areas and various institutions participate in resource delivering 整村推进采用村级瞄准并由政府直接将资源传递到贫困村 Community targeting is adopted in IVDP and governments directly deliver resources to identified poor villages 劳动力转移培训采用区域和家庭瞄准相结合 A combination of regional and household targeting is used in labor training program 首先瞄准592个贫困县 592 key poor counties are the main targets 然后再识别受益家庭 County governments then identify beneficial households 资源通过职业培训学校来传递 Resources are delivered through vocational schools 农业产业化扶贫采用区域瞄准,但通过龙头企业来传递资源 Regional targeting is used in agribusiness program and resources are delivered through agricultural enterprises 自愿移民搬迁由政府将资源传递到生态环境脆弱的社区,但在新的迁入地使用这些资源 Resources are delivered by governments to ecological fragile communities and then used in newly settled areas in voluntary resettlement program 城市和农村的低保计划采用家庭或个人瞄准,资源由政府直接传递 Households or individual targeting are adopted in minimum living standard program in both urban and rural areas and resources are delivered through government agencies 三、减贫计划在瞄准和资源传递方面的成效 Effectiveness of Poverty Targeting and Resource Delivering 农村的开发式扶贫计划能够将大部分资源传递



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