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亚临界汽轮机性能老化研究与应用 方 超 华能南通电厂 江苏 南通 226003 Sub-critical Steam Turbine Performance Degradation Research and Application Fang Chao Huaneng Nantong Power Plant, Nantong, Jiangsu, 226003, China ABSTRACT: The research of the steam turbine performance 摘要:研究汽轮机性能老化程度,对电厂开展煤耗率 degradation is of significance in guiding the power plant in the 预测、指标分析和检修周期研判具有指导意义。基于 forecasting of coal consumption, analysis of indices and in the 某电厂 2 台亚临界机组投产以来 16 年的大修前后热 judgment and determination of the overhaul cycles. Based on 力性能试验数据,对老化系数的实用确定方法进行了 the performance test data of two sub-critical steam turbines of 探讨,对老化程度进行了计算分析,推出了老化系数 a power plant before or after overhauls in the 16 years since the 倍率和残余老化率两个新概念。老化系数倍率以 commissioning of the two units, the practical method in ASME 公式计算值为参照点,它是一项反映汽轮机运 determination of the degradation factors is discussed in this 行中实际损伤、结垢和其它异常等因素对老化影响程 paper, the extent of degradation is calculated and analyzed 度的指标,用它可横向比较汽轮机性能老化程度;残 before the two new concepts, namely, the ratio between 余老化率以大修后的热耗率为研究对象,它是一项反 degradation factors and the rate of residual degradation, are 映汽轮机通流部分机械损伤程度和密封件状况的指 proposed. The ratio between degradation factors, of which the 标,用它可预测未来大修后的热耗率水平。举例对大 calculated value of ASME formula is the reference point, is an 修周期内热耗率的变化率和下次大修后的热耗率进 index that reflects the extent of influence of the actual damages, 行了预测。 scaling and other abnormities to the extent of degradation 关键词:汽轮机;老化系数倍率;残余老化率;热耗率 during the operation of the steam turbine and can be used for 预测 the comparison of performance d


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