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第三节、铜缺乏症 Section 3 Copper Deficiency 一、概念 Definition 铜缺乏症是由于饲料和饮水中铜缺乏或铜虽充足但由于其拮抗因子(钼、硫过多)导致铜的吸收利用障碍所引起的疾病。 Primary due to inadequate levels in diet and water. Secondary due to conditioning factors : Excess molybdenum(钼) and sulfur in diet. 一、概念 Definition 临床上以贫血、拉稀、被毛褪色、皮肤角化不全、共济失调、骨和关节肿大、生长受阻和繁殖障碍为特征。多发生于牛、羊。 Anemia(贫血) Diarrhea (腹泻) Loss of hair color (被毛褪色) Skin parakeratosis(角化不全) Enzootic ataxia (地方性共济失调) Enlarged ends of long bones and joint (骨和关节肿大) Retarted growth Decrease reproductive performance 且多以地方性铜缺乏症形式出现。原发性铜缺乏症的发病率达40%以上。 Endemic (地方的) worldwide 二、病因 Etiology 1.原发性缺铜:低铜土壤。饲料中铜含量少,干物质含量3mg/kg,铜摄入不足,又称单纯性缺铜。 Primary copper deficiency when the forage is grown on deficient soils or on soils in which the copper is unavailable. the intake in the diet is inadequate 3mg/kg of dry matter 二、病因 Etiology 2.继发性缺铜:因饲料中可干扰铜吸收利用的物质 如钼(Cu:Mo5:1)、硫(0.1%-0.4%) 、锌、镉、铁、铅等 即使铜含量正常,仍可造成铜摄入不足、铜排泄过多,引起铜缺乏症。 临床上以拉稀、神经脱髓鞘为主。又称条件性缺铜。   Secondary copper deficiency The amount of copper in the diet is adequate The utilization of the copper by tissues is impeded Diets containing excessive molybdenum (钼) 、 sulfate、Zn 、 Cr 、 Fe 、 Lead. Characterifed by: Diarrhea (腹泻) Demyelination (脱髓鞘) in enzootic ataxia 二、病因 Etiology 3.混合性缺铜:铜为最低满足量和钼含量过多 Combination copper deficiency Combination of marginal Cu levels and excessive Mo levels 4.危险因素 沙性土壤 海和河流淤泥中钼含量高 Risk Factors Sandy coastal soils Marine river silts high in Mo 1. 原发性缺铜症 羔羊晃腰病(swayback)、牛的舔(盐)病(salt sick )、摔倒病(falling disease),骆驼摇摆病; 2. 条件性或继发性缺铜症 泥炭样拉稀(peat scouring)、英国牛羊“晦气”病(teart)、犊牛消瘦病(emaciation )、牛的消耗病(wasting disease)及羔羊地方性运动失调(enzootic ataxia)等。 3. 缺铜又缺钴 海岸病和盐病(salt disease) 。 宁夏、吉林等省区对本病有相继报道。 三、流行病学 Epidemiology 主要发生在春季和夏季放牧的幼龄反刍动物, Primarily in young pastured ruminants in spring and summer 沙滩地和严重风化的地区 Occers in peat(泥炭块)、sandy soil and heavily weathered(风化的)areas in or muck soil areas 日粮和饮水中含有钼、硫和铁,干扰铜的代谢 Feed and water supplies ma


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