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Cage of thorax 胸廓 脊柱 vertebral column * Bones of trunk and their joints 躯干骨及其连结 Sternum 胸骨 Ribs 肋 Vertebrae 椎骨 Bones of trunk 躯干骨 Sternum Manubrium Of sternum 胸骨柄 Body of sternum 胸骨体 Xiphoid process of sternum 剑突 Sternum Jugular notch 颈静脉切迹 clavicular notch 锁切迹 costal notch 肋切迹 Sternum Sternal angle 胸骨角 Ribs True ribs 真肋(1-7) False ribs 假肋(8-12) Floating ribs 浮肋(11-12) Costal arch 肋 弓(8-10) Costal head 肋头 Costal neck 肋颈 Costal tubercle 肋结节 Costal body 肋体 Costal angle 肋角 Costal groove 肋沟 Vertebrae 椎骨 26 Cervical vertebrae 颈椎 7 Thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 12 Lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 5 Sacral vertebrae 骶椎 5 Coccygeal vertebrae 尾椎 4 Sacrum 骶骨 1 Coccyx 尾骨 1 Vertebral body 椎体 Vertebral arch 椎弓 Vertebral foramen 椎孔 Pedicle of Vertebral arch 椎弓根 lamina of Vertebral arch 椎弓板 Superior vertebral notch 椎上切迹 Inferior vertebral notch 椎下切迹 Intervertebral foramen 椎间孔 Superior articular process 上关节突 Inferior articular process 下关节突 Transverse process 横突 Spinous process 棘突 Zygapophysial joint 关节突关节 矢状位 冠状位 水平位 关节突 关节面 宽扁、水平后伸 长 向后下方倾斜 C.2-6短而分叉 棘 突 副突 横突肋凹 横突孔 横 突 三角形 较圆 较大,三角形 椎 孔 粗大、肾形 较大、心形 椎体肋凹 较小、椭圆形 椎 体 腰椎 (L.-5个) 胸椎 (T.-12个) 颈椎(C.-7个 C4 C7 C1 C2 Cervical vertebrae 颈椎 Transverse foramen 横突孔 Costal fovea肋凹 Cervical vertebrae 胸椎 Transverse fovea横突肋凹 Costovertebral joints 肋椎关节 Lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 Promontory 骶岬 Anterior sacral foramen 骶前孔 Median sacral crest骶正中嵴 Posterior sacral foramen 骶后孔 Sacral canal 骶管 Sacral hiatus 骶管裂孔 Auricular sueface 耳状面 Coccyx 尾骨 Sacroiliac joint 骶髂关节 Jionts of bones of trunk 躯干骨的连结 Vertebral column 脊柱 Cage of thorax 胸廓 Costovertebral joints 肋椎关节 Vertebral column as a whole Curvatures of vertebral column *


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