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Pelvic 盆部 青岛大学医学院 解剖教研室 表面解剖 Surface Anatomy 耻骨联合 pubic symphysis 耻骨结节 pubic tubercle 耻骨弓 pubic arch 坐骨结节 ischial tuberosity 尾骨尖 Coccygeal apex 髂嵴、 iliac crest 腹股沟韧带inguinal ligament 2.Bony pelvis 骨盆 Composition: formed by paired hip bones, sacrum, coccyx, and their articulations Two portions Greater pelvis 大骨盆 Lesser pelvis 小骨盆 Terminal line界线 ( pelvic inlet): formed by promontory of sacrum, arcuate line, pecten of pubis, pubic tubercle, upper border of pubic symphysis Pelvic outlet: formed by tip of coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament, ischial tuberosity, ramus of ischium, inferior ramus of pubic symphysis 3.Muscles of pelvic wall 盆壁肌 Piriform m.梨状肌 Obturator internus m.闭孔内肌 4.Muscles of floor of pelvis and pelivic diaphragm 盆底肌及盆膈 Muscles of floor of pelvis Levator ani 肛提肌 Levateo prostate 前列腺提肌(pubovaginalis 耻骨阴道肌) Puborectalis 耻骨直肠肌 Pubococcygeus 耻尾肌and iliococcygeus 髂尾肌 Coccygeus 尾骨肌 Pelivic diaphragm 盆膈 Superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm 盆膈上筋膜 Levator ani 肛提肌 Coccygeus 尾骨肌 Inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm盆膈下筋膜 5.Pelvic fascia and fascia space 盆筋膜及其间隙 骶前筋膜 盆壁筋膜 梨状肌筋膜 闭孔筋膜 盆膈上筋膜 盆膈筋膜 盆膈下筋膜 Pelvic fascia 盆筋膜 Parietal pelvic fascia 盆壁筋膜 A continuation of the transverse fascia into the pelvis. It coves the piriformis and obturator internus Attaches to the arcuate line of the pubis and ilium, thickens over the obturator internus to form the arcus tendineus腱弓, the origin of portions of the levator ani muscle At the tendinous arch of levator ani it splits to cove both superior and inferior surfaces of the levator ani as superior and inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm Visceral pelvic fascia 盆脏筋膜 是盆腔内脏器穿过盆膈和尿生殖隔时,由盆壁筋膜向上返折, 呈鞘状包绕脏器而形成。 Lies between the peritoneum and the pelvic viscera It is a continuation of the extraperitoneal connective tissue Ensheathes retroperitoneal viscera and forms septa between retroperitoneal organs Rectovesical septum 直肠膀胱隔 Rectovaginal sep


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