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CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 毕业设计 题目:教室自动照明控制系统设计 学生姓名: 学 号: 班 级: 055110802 专 业: 自动化指导教师: 2012 年6 月 教室自动照明控制系统设计 学生姓名: 李牧星 学 号: 200851050220 班 级: 055110802 所在院(系): 电气与信息工程学院 指导教师: 张静 完成日期: 2012年6月15日 教室自动照明控制系统设计 摘要 目前高校教室中普遍存在“长明灯”、“无人灯亮”等现象其主要的原因是所应用的传统照明控制方式管理落后、能源浪费、舒适性差、灯具寿命短造成了巨大的电能浪费。 本研究了学校教室电能的使用特点和照明需求的前提下,设计了一套用STC89C52单片机实现的自动照明控制系统,并将对象定位于大学教学楼的照明研究,主要是实现无人关灯,有人时根据周围环境光照强度调节照明灯光线的强弱,大致分为人员检测、光强检测、系统控制与照明显示等模块,共同实现本系统所需功能,达到节能,管理便捷等目的。。 本文的主要内容就是介绍了自动照明控制系统各部分的硬件设计和软件设计。通过对各部分的设计,加深对单片机控制系统的理解。通过设计,基本实现了自动照明控制系统的功能要求,达到了预期的设计效果。 关键词:单片机;自动照明;热释电人体红外传感器;光照度传感器 AUTOMATIC LIGHTING CONTIRL SYSTEM IN CLASSROOM ABSTRACT Currently, traditional methods of lighting control have various shortages, such as backward management, energy wastage, uncomfortable operation and nondurable lamps, as a result, “ever-burning lamps” “no one lighting”, and other electricity wasting phenomena are obvious in school. Under the premise of both the usage characteristics of electricity and lighting need in school classrooms, this paper aims to design an automatic lighting control system carried out by a STC89C52 microcontroller and then to position the object in the teaching buildings of universities for the main purpose of the realization of turning off the light when no one is in or adjusting the illumination intensity according to the surrounding lighting strength, which can be broadly classified into personnel detection, light intensity detection, the modules of system control and lighting display, for the common goal to realize the required function of the system so as to achieve the purpose of energy-saving, convenience of administration, and so on. This paper mainly presents an introduction of the hardware and software design of each part in the automatic lighting control system. By way of the designation of each part, the understanding of the microcontroller system can be strengthened and


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