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本科学生毕业论文 题 目 浅析实施桥头堡战略与促进云南交通事业发展 姓 名 学 号 院 系 经济系 专 业 经济学 指导教师 二〇一五年 三月 十一日 浅析实施桥头堡战略与促进云南交通事业发展 摘 要 基于桥头堡战略机遇期下,云南交通事业机遇与挑战并存。存在的机遇:一是建立健全云南综合配置的交通网络,既是桥头堡建设最为迫切的战略任务,又是桥头堡发挥好通道、基地、平台、窗口作用的基础所在;二是云南交通基础设施建设将会进一步加强;三是东盟国家尤其是周边国家加强交通基础设施将为云南交通网络设施建设提供有利的外部条件。存在的挑战:云南的交通基础设施还不能满足国际物流发展的需要,省内的公路、铁路、航空、水运等运输方式虽然近年来取得了一定的发展,但是运输方式发展部平衡,铁路运输率不到20%,航港基础设施和配套设施缺乏。机场飞机数量有限,货运作业站点散、小、乱。同时,各种运输方式不能实现有效衔接,多式联运困难,综合运输网络效应没有充分发挥。对此,提出了改进的建议与对策。显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 ? 字典 - 查看字典详细内容 Based on the bridgehead strategy opportunity period, the Yunnan traffic industry opportunities and challenges.The opportunities exist: one is establishing and perfecting Yunnan integrated configuration of the traffic network, is the bridgehead to build most urgent strategy task, it is bridgehead play a good channel, base, platform, window function is the foundation; the two is the Yunnan transportation infrastructure construction will be strengthened further; three is the ASEAN countries, especially neighboring countries to strengthen traffic base facilities for Yunnan traffic network construction of facilities to provide a favorable external conditions.The challenge: Yunnans transport infrastructure can not meet the needs of the development of international logistics, provincial highway, railway aviation, transportation and other modes of transport in recent years has made certain progress, but the mode of transport development balance, railway transportation, rate of less than 20%, port facilities and infrastructure lack.Airport aircraft limited in number, freight operations site scattered, small, random.At the same time, the various modes of transport cannot realize effective cohesion, multimodal transport difficulties, integrated transport network effect does not have sufficient play To this, put forward the improvement proposal and countermeasure. Key words:


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