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Highly Sensitive Person Scale 高敏感性人格问卷 Instructions: Answer each of the following questions according to the way you personally feel, using the following scale: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not at all Moderately Extremely 指导语:请根据你的感受回答下列问题。答题时请使用以下的标准: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 一点都不 中等程度 极端地 Are you easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input? 你容易受不了强烈的感觉刺激吗? Do you seem to be aware of subtleties in your environment? 你对周围环境中的细节似乎特别留心吗? Do other peoples moods affect you? 别人的情绪容易影响你吗? Do you tend to be very sensitive to pain? 你的痛觉很敏感吗? Do you find yourself needing to withdraw during busy days, into bed or into a darkened room or any place where you can have some privacy and relief from stimulation? 你觉得自己忙碌的时候需要躲起来吗?或者在你激动后,会躲进被窝里,躲到漆黑的房间,或是躲到任何一个能够使你独处不受干扰并能得到舒缓的地方吗? Are you particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine? 你对咖啡因特别敏感吗? Are you easily overwhelmed by things like bright lights, strong smells, coarse fabrics, or sirens close by? 你容易受不了像强光、强烈的气味、粗糙的布料或周围的警铃等事物吗? Do you have a rich, complex inner life? 你有丰富而复杂的内心世界吗? Are you made uncomfortable by loud noises? 你会因为喧闹的噪声而觉得不舒服吗? Are you deeply moved by the arts or music? 你会被艺术或音乐深深感动吗? Does your nervous system sometimes feel so frazzled that you just have to get away by yourself? 你有时候会感到非常疲惫以至于你只得一个人逃避吗? Are you conscientious? 你很认真负责吗? Do you startle easily? 你很容易受到惊吓吗? Do you get rattled when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time? 如果在短时间内你必须做许多事情,你会感到慌乱吗? When people are uncomfortable in a physical environment, do you tend to know what needs to be done to make it more comfortable (like changing the lighting or the seating)? 当人们因周围环境而感到不舒服时,你往往知道要怎样做才能使环境变得更舒服些吗(例如改变灯光或者调整座位)? Are you annoyed when people try to get you to do too many things at once? 如果人们试图让你同时做太多件事情,你会觉得很厌烦吗? Do you try hard to avoid making mistakes


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