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? ? Lesson Four The Trashman 打印本页 ?   第一学时   一、词 汇   respond 反应   sight 视力   on the contrary, 与之相反   contrary to 和…相反   二、课文部分   Saturday, April 7   1 Steve and I hauled trash for four solid hours without a break of any sort, except for about five minutes when we stopped to talk.   本句翻译:我和史蒂夫用卡车运送垃圾,整整干了四个小时,除了停下来说了约五分钟的话,没有休息片刻。    solid 整整,没停顿    The movie lasted for three solid hours. 电影整整放了三个小时。    I went to bed exhausted and slept ten solid hours. 我筋疲力尽上了床,一睡就是十个小时。   We got eight hours of pay for cleaning up our route no matter how little time it took.   本句翻译:不管我们用多短的时间清理完这条线路上的垃圾,都是按8小时给我们付酬。   2 My shoulder hurt badly each time I put another full barrel on it, and my legs occasionally shook as I started out to the street. But all the rest of me said, “Go, trashman, go.”   本句翻译:每次我把满满的垃圾桶扛上肩头,肩膀就疼得要命,而且我的腿有时也会哆嗦当我朝着街道出发的时候。    shook → shake(过去式)   3 I could not have guessed that there would be joy in this. Dump. Lift. Walk. Lift. Walk. The hours went by quickly.   本句翻译:倒,扛,运,再扛,我过去怎么也不会想到这其中还真有乐趣,每天过得很快。   4 Saturday meant that most adults were at home on the route. So were school-age children.   本句翻译:今天是星期六,住在我们线路上的多数成年人都会在家。上学的孩子星期六也在家。    I like the ball.    So do I.    I dont like the ball.    Neither do I.    You are a teacher.    So am I.    You are not a teacher.    Neither am I.   I thought this might mean more talk back and forth as I made the rounds today.   本句翻译:我以为由于是星期六,在我挨家挨户扛垃圾桶时,会与更多的住户相互打招呼或是说上一两句话。   There were many people outdoors, working in their gardens. Most of them looked friendly enough.   本句翻译:有很多人都在户外在整理他们的花园,大多数看起来都非常的友好。   While I wouldnt have time to talk at length, there was time to exchange the greetings that go with civilized ways.   本句翻译:我不会有时间与人长谈,但相互打个招呼的时间还是有的,这也是文明礼貌的表现(即遇到人打招呼)。    at length 详细地   5 That is where I got my shock.   本句翻译:恰恰在这方面,发生了我根本没有预料到的事情。   6 I said hello in quite a few yards before the message sank in that this wasnt the thing to do.   本句翻译:我在好几家的院子里主动向主人打招呼之后,才明白过来他们是不愿与清洁工人打招呼的。    sink in


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