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旅游行为的宏观与微观研究 THE TOURISM SYSTEM (Source: Leiper, N., 1979:67) Transit Routes T OURIST D ESTINATION R EGIONS T OURIST G ENERATING R EGIONS Departing Tourists Returning Tourists The broader (macro) environments: physical, cultural, social, economic, political and technological The Tourism industry 旅游研究大蛋糕 旅游者行为研究的重要性(营销学观点) 理解消费者购买和使用旅游产品的决策过程、行为模式 知道何时提供何种产品给特定的市场 知道如何劝说消费者选择专门满足其特定需求的某一产品 营销活动效率和效益的最大化 旅游资源的评价和开发 旅游线路的设计和宾馆选址 旅游者行为研究的重要性 对旅游者身心健康的意义 对旅游者自身发展的意义 主客交往对旅游地社会文化的影响 地理学观点 心理学观点 社会学、人类学观点 旅游者行为的宏观分析 Macro-Analysis (Economic Approach) Macro analysis is concerned with examining collective tourism movements in terms of number of visitors, and revenue generated from them. Deals with data such as arrivals per country, flight loadings, hotel occupancy rates, visitor spending and so on. Macro demand data underlies all marketing planning. The Worlds Top Tourism Destinations 2004 Rank Country Arrivals (million) Market share% 1 France 75.1 9.8 2 Spain 53.6 7.0 3 United States 46.1 6.0 4 China 41.8 5.5 5 Italy 37.1 4.9 The Worlds Top Tourism Destinations (international tourist arrivals) 2006 rank Country Arrivals (millions) Percent change 2005/2004 Percent change 2006/2005 2005 2006 1. France 75.9 79.1 1.0% 4.2% 2. Spain 55.9 58.5 6.6 4.5 3. United States 49.2 51.1 6.8 3.8 4. China 46.8 49.6 12.1 6.0 5. Italy 36.5 41.1 -1.5 12.4 6. United Kingdom 28.0 30.7 9.2 9.3 7. Germany 21.5 23.6 6.8 9.6 8. Mexico 21.9 21.4 6.3 -2.6 9. Austria 20.0 20.3 3.0 1.5 10. Russian Federation 19.9 20.2 0.2 1.3 Worlds Top Tourism Earners, 2004 $ in billions Rank Country 2004 1 ? United States $74.5 2 ? Spain 45.2 3 ? France 40.8 4 ? Italy 35.7 5 ? Germany 27.7 6 ? United Kingdom 27.3 7 ? China 25.7 Worlds Top Ten Tourism Earners, 2006 ? $ in billions ? 2005 2006 ?1. United States $81.8 $85.7 ?2. Spain 48.0 51.1 ?3. France 42.3 42.9 ?4. Italy 35.4 38.1 ?5. China 29.3 33.9 ?6. United Kingdom 30.7 33.7 ?7. Germany 29.2 32.8 ?8. Austr



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