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雙 U1-U2 五 1. Before we reached the beach, the sun had gone down. 2. Amanda called and told me/called to tell me that she had passed the test. 3. He decided to name the Chinese zodiac signs after the animals which/that won the game. 4. The most expensive jeans in the world cost as much as a/the latest notebook. 5. He is such a hard-working swimmer that he broke the world record. Here is the watch. Here it is. (Here you are. Here I am. Here we are. Here she is.) Here comes the bus. Here the bus comes. Here come Mr. and Mrs. Brown. tens of thousands of people ten thousand people (hundred, million, dozen) while(正當) .../when(當)......的時候 副詞連接詞 1. 主要子句+(由連接詞帶出的)副詞子句 L來瘋 vs. 飆風玫瑰 Lin stole the ball when Rose was dribbling. 主要子句 when/while 子句 (表時間) While Rose was dribbling, Lin stole the ball. (主要子句是?) When ~, Lin stole it. while(正當) .../when(當)......的時候 副詞連接詞 1. 主要子句+(由連接詞帶出的)副詞子句 我今天早上搭捷運時 有隻狗走進車廂 A dog walked onto the train when I was riding on the MRT. While she read the newspaper, I cleaned up the kitchen. 2. 強調持續動作用 進行式 瞬間動作用 簡單式 小貓貓在抓那超貴沙發時 我媽在晾衣服 While/when the kitty was scratching the expensive sofa, my mom was hanging the clothes. 3.兩個持續動作 同時進行 都用進行式 She listened closely while he read the letter. 他讀信時,她聽得很仔細。 Ill take care of your children while you are away. 你不在時我會照顧你的孩子的。 We must strike while the iron is hot. 我們必須打鐵趁熱。 while 和 when 都可以引導時間副詞子句,但應注意: while 句中的動詞必須是延續性的動詞;而 when 引導的句中動詞既可以是延續性動詞,也可以是非延續性動詞。 deal dealt dealt pass 經過 傳開 傳球 及格 不叫牌 V. 過去式? passed, passed You cannot pass. Stop where you are. He passed in German but failed in Spanish. The bill finally passed. past 通過/經過 (V+past) 過去的 過去 往事 conj. adj. adv. N His youth is past. a/the past president He waved as he walked past. The child is past drinking from a bottle. agree 同意 意見一致 I agreed with them that I should try again. The old lady doesnt agree to this plan. Can we agree on a price? Milk does



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