The Grammar – Translation Method Classical Method语法翻译法经典法.pptVIP

The Grammar – Translation Method Classical Method语法翻译法经典法.ppt

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The Grammar – Translation Method Classical Method语法翻译法经典法

TEACHING METHODS A Brief Synthesis TESOL for adults 2009 Canada TESOL Center The Grammar – Translation Method /Classical Method Goals Ss be able to read literature written in English. Role of Teacher Very traditional, high authority Learning process Translating from English to the native language. Study grammar deductively and memorize rules Apply memorized rules in other examples St-T interaction Mostly T-St / Little St-T or St-St Language viewed As superior to spoken language Culture viewed As consisting of literature and the fine art Primary skills Vocabulary and grammar - Reading and writing Language in class St’s native language Evaluation Written tests where Sts are basically asked to translate St’s errors T supply correct answer soon Techniques used * Translation of a literary passage – spoken or written * Reading comprehension questions – info scanning inferences based on understanding * Antonyms / Synonyms * Cognates – (for languages that keeps similarity to English) – To recognize cognates * Deductive application of rule – apply learnt grammar rules to different examples * Fill-in-the-blanks – words, prepositions, verbs in correct tense. * Memorization – vocabulary and grammar rules * Composition – based on a topic The Direct Method Goals Ss be able to how to communicate and think in English. Role of Teacher Sts less passive than “the grammar/trans meth”; T St as partners Learning process Meaning is associated directly in English / NO translations Syllabus based upon situations or topics NO grammar rules are given St-T interaction T - St / St- St Language viewed As primarily spoken, no written Culture viewed As consisting of history of people, of daily lives Primary skills Vocabulary emphasized over grammar / Basically oral Language in class ONLY English in class Evaluation Based in using the language, both orally and written St’s errors T help Sts self-correct errors whenever need Techniques used Reading aloud Questions ans


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