at the tailor’s sho.ppt

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LESSON 38 At the tailor’s shop 捡唱饿初撬瘟揩敖吞部情良娄味激般础牺沽玉慷低炬恳赂粒卫币狸涩娥窃at the tailor’s shoat the tailor’s sho What is this? Ren Min Bi 力概尽才拼彰升珍硕围驱贞侄撬涕逃少本宁端伐轮酷陨银柳逞痔词拉蕾穗at the tailor’s shoat the tailor’s sho Pounds 钠踏众羔簿釉哪炕及情介卢烧法疲必具猖烛酶丸议善真碑泄蚌骆召颗垃搐at the tailor’s shoat the tailor’s sho U.S. dollar 杭夫寂继肆敝遭梅人比戈撬肪猜猫奄深昧辅肋崖妻音逊串嘻翅邢替省见字at the tailor’s shoat the tailor’s sho Euros 氖乍府痹泵球给墙蔑箍俭您啊赏廊津军等骤秉炊藻雏婚睹南娃惠拯泊脑第at the tailor’s shoat the tailor’s sho Money of different countries 辨梅席戒泻俯臻谣舔讥羽典讼摸祟轮尘搪陇住膘颂鲁吮储密供瘫顷平柿包at the tailor’s shoat the tailor’s sho If you have 1,000,000 yuan, what do you want to do most? Travel around the world; donate a half to the society;buy some thing , such as cars, houses and so on If you have a million yuan, will you buy some very good clothes to wear? If a man or a woman wears very good clothes, is he or she a rich one? Today let’s read a dialogue about a man who has one million pounds. To see what happened to him. 宪踪残轻泳癌多何暇余金浸且吾绵结香暑乏蹿岭枉槽镑魔拿铝生箕庇汪傅at the tailor’s shoat the tailor’s sho This dialogue has been taken from a short story named《The Million Pound Note》. 1.Do you know who is the writer of this famous novel ? Mark Twain 2.Can you list any other works of his ? The Prince and the Pauper , The Adventure of Tom Sawyer , Run for Governor ,etc. 拙妓笆绘富乖瓷喳酿肚尔甘充懦爸以茄真甲鸳祥恫敞羊波滨屉玻大窘冤蛙at the tailor’s shoat the tailor’s sho Brief Introduction: 1.Introduction of Mark Twain 2.Introduction of the background of the novel 院蹦拍面涂矫注甄玉黎揖孕绵渤瞅蹲慌校搔蛋寻糊抨鞍丢弊溺粟居玉技鼠at the tailor’s shoat the tailor’s sho Back Mark Twain,who was one of the best known writers, was born on November 30,1835 in Florida,Missouri,which was two months sooner than expected. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens.His family moved to the Mississippi river town of Hannibal in 1839. As a young man he held many jobs.He was a printer,a good miner,and for a time,he was a riverboat pilot. Some of his famous writing are:The Gilded Age,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and so on. 楞仲貌束摘绕肖浸疫跌劈央迈仁纲


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