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京口实验共同体六年级英语教案 课时:6A—1—2 课型:Story timeⅡ, Fun time 主备学校:审核人:凌燕 集备主讲:崔亮 使用学校: 使用教师: 执教时间: 【教学目标】 ①能完整讲述童话故事。 ★②能合作表演故事The king’ new clothes。 ③能听懂、会说、会读单词fit。 【教学准备】 1.PPT 2.学案 【自主导学】 1.常规预习 尝试完整讲述童话故事。 2.知识解析 ①讲、表演童话故事时要注意声音是有表情的,不同的声音代表着不同的内涵。 ②语气、语调、语速的变化表达人物不同的情绪、情感。 ③音色的区别代表人物不同的形象特征。 3.预习自测 完整讲述童话故事。 【课堂互动】 Step1 Tell the story 1. Revision Recite the story. 检查课文片段背诵。 2. Tell the whole story 开火车、集体或个人讲述故事。 Learning tip: 要想课文背得好,理解课文再熟读。 指导学生仔细阅读书P90‘背诵课文’指导。 Step2 Fun time ⑴Talk about the story by themselves Show the pictures one by one. Look at the pictures and talk about the story by themselves. 补充潜台词。 ⑵ Finish the sentences of the story Teach: fit ⑶Act the story in groups ⑷Act the story more and better. 情景拓展,创编故事。 四人一组,任选课文中一个场景,进行拓展创编对话。小组活动后,教师可以邀请若干能力较强的学生和自己一起创编对话,拓展故事情节。如: S1:I’m the king. I have a lot of clothes. Look, are they beautiful? Are they cool? But they’re not new. I like new clothes. Who can make new clothes for me? S2: I can. I can make beautiful clothes, my king. S3: I can. I can make cool clothes for you, my king. S4: I can. I can make magic clothes for you, my king. S1: Wait a minute. What are magic clothes? S3. Magic clothes can tell us who is clever and who is foolish. Clever people can see them. Foolish people can’t see them. S1: That’s interesting. Make some magic clothes for me. Quick! S3: Yes, my king. … Teach: wait (五上单词,新旧教材衔接) ⑸Act the story completely. 故事表演指导(具体句子指导,非理论指导): ①讲、表演童话故事时要注意声音是有表情的,不同的声音代表着不同的内涵。 ②语气、语调、语速的变化表达人物不同的情绪、情感。 ③音色的区别代表人物不同的形象特征。 Step3 Development 阅读童话故事并判断对错,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。 Goldilocks and the three bears 1. One day Goldilocks was in the forest. There was a house. Goldilocks: What a beautiful house! 2. Goldilocks was in the house. She was hungry and thirsty. There was some soup on the table. Goldilocks: This soup is too cold. This soup is too hot. This soup is just right. 3. Goldilocks was tired too. There were three beds in the room. Goldilocks: This bed i


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