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3.2 Increasing Linkage and Interaction between International Economic legislation and Legislation in Other Areas3.2增加的联系和互动的国际经济立法和其他地区的立法比较Growing globalization leads to functional integration of international economic legal systems in all areas and growing inter-connection betw,een international economic legal systems and legislations on other areas including the environment, foreign affairs, health and society. As this is a controversial viewpoint, the author would like to name the trend of IEL linking and interacting with legislations on other areas.As classified by some scholars, international legislative linkage is expressed in two basic forms, i.e., (l) “normative linkage between legal systems of different areas; (2) strategic linkage of international laws for different areas.日益增长的全球化导致的所有领域和不断增长的相互联系与国际经济法律系统的功能集成,甚至国际经济法律制度和立法上的其他领域包括环境,外交,卫生和社会。这是一个有争议的观点,笔者想名字quot趋势;IEL链接和quot相互作用;对其他领域的立法。由于受到一些学者的分类,国际立法机构的两种基本形式,即(1)表示,“规范连锁quot;不同地区的法律系统之间;(2)quot;战略联动quot;不同地区的国际法规。The so-called normative linkage refers to the co-relation based on their respective coverage and legal principles, or the mutual linkage of international laws for different areas resulting from implications of applicable results. For instance, agreements on anti-dumping,subsidies and countervailing measures, safeguards, rules of origin, import and export licenses,technical barriers, inspection and quarantine measures, textile trade and custom valuation cover different contents, but are all incorporated into the first layer laws and rules of the WTO as they are alllaws and rules on international trade in goods. Although different in trade modes,trade in goods, trade in services and trade in technologies is all international trade. It is based on this that WTO with the main purpose of liberalizing international trade links these different forms of trade into the integrity of international trade law with the use of common legal principles such as most favored nation, national treatment, tr


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