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Unit9 What does he look like? 一. Grammar: (一)长相的问法以及回答 问法:1. What does he look like?= What is he like? 他长得像什么样 注:(1)What is he like?还可以对性格或人品进行提问。意为“他是什么样的人” He is kind and friendly. (2)What does he like?对喜好进行提问。意为“他喜欢什么” .He likes bananas./He likes sports. 回答:(1)主语+be+描述性形容词(short,tall.thin,heavy,good-looking…)/短语 He is tall and heavy../He is of medium height./build. (2)主语+have/has+形容词+身体部位名词 She has long straight hair. He has two big eyes. 拓展单词:head 头; eye 眼睛; eyebrow 眉毛; nose 鼻子; mouth 嘴; tooth牙齿; tongue 舌头; ear 耳朵; face 脸; neck 颈子; body 身体; arm 手臂; hand 手掌; finger 手指; leg 腿; foot 脚; knee 膝盖; toe 脚趾; Eg.: a nice long new red American wooden pen (3) 主语+wear(s)+配饰 She wears glasses. (二)look (1)look+adj. 看起来 Eg. It looks beautiful. /This book looks interesting. (2) look like+ n/ 代词 That apple looks like a pear. (提问) What does that apple look like? He looks like his father.(提问) Who does he look like? This book looks like mine. (3)A look like B=A be like B=A and B look the same A长得像B Tom looks like his father.=Tom is like his father.=Tom and his father look the same. 补充:sound 与sound like 也是一样用法 Practice: It sounds rainy.(rain) It sounds like rain.(rain) 二. Words: 1. Hair(指一根一根的毛发或头发,用作不可数名词时,则是整体地指一个人的头发There’s a hair in my soup (我的汤里有根头发);Hairy 毛绒绒的 a hairy dog; a hairy toy bear 2.straight adj. adv. (1)直的adj. 那条街道看起来很直. straight hair/ The street looks straight. (2)adv. Go straight. Go straight along/ down the road/ street. 3. high; (1)high adj.高的(low The price of these computers is high/low. (2)height n.高度 What’s the height of the boy? = How tall/ high is the boy? What’s the +n. of sth? = How + adj + be+ sth? (3)补充单词:wide 宽 ( width宽度; long长(length长度; heavy重(weight 重量; deep深 ( depth深度 Eg: What’s the length of the desk? = How long is the desk? What’s the depth of the river? = How deep is the river? What’s the weight of the elephant? = How heavy is the elephant? 回答:It’s 10 meters long.=It’s


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