An Analysis of Lily Briscore in To the Lighthouse 英语毕业论文.doc

An Analysis of Lily Briscore in To the Lighthouse 英语毕业论文.doc

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在弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女性主义视角下探析《到灯塔去》中的莉莉·布里斯科 On Woolf’s Feminism —An Analysis of Lily Briscore in To the Lighthouse 摘 要 英国作家弗吉尼亚?伍尔夫是二十世纪最具影响力的的文学人物之一,她对于小说、文学批评和许多其他形式的写作做出了巨大的贡献. 伍尔夫著名的意识流和女性主义小说《到灯塔去》1927年的出版更使她跻身于世界伟大小说家之列. 本论文致力于关注小说中莉莉?布里斯科所经历的女性主义自我发展过程.首先,本文将对莉莉?布里斯科的心路历程做深入的探析,这个过程同时也可以被理解为是对伍尔夫关于现代女性自我觉醒的思考的一种解读.通过对莉莉?布里斯科在小说中追求艺术成功的表现,作者揭露了女性艺术家在表现自我和在艺术中保持自我的过程中经历的困苦.拉姆齐夫人的爱庇护着莉莉,使她免受生活的琐碎和男权社会强加于女性艺术家的歧视的困扰,而同时莉莉的绘画又使拉姆齐夫人的爱得以永恒.第二部分,本文基于当时的社会意识形态阐述了伍尔夫特有的女性主义观点:她十分关注女性的经济独立和自主空间,主张结束女性受压抑的状态、结束社会上的家长式制度以达到一种平和的氛围.本文最后对莉莉这个人物从自我发展和艺术创作两方面做深入分析,以期解读交织于小说《到灯塔去》中的女性主义主题. 关键词:女性主义 ; 自我发展 ; 艺术创作 Abstract English writer Virginia Woolf, one of the most influential literary figures of the twentieth century, has made great contributions to the creation of novels, critical essays and other forms of writings. The publication of the famous stream-of-consciousness and feminist novel一To the Lighthouse in 1927 established her as a major novelist. This paper focuses on the self-development process experienced by Lily Briscore on the sphere of feminism. Firstly, it will give a thorough exploration into the Lily’s mental journey which could also be regarded as an interpretation of Woolf’s feminism thoughts on modern women’s self-realization. Through the presentation of Lily Briscoe’s struggles to achieve artistic success, the writer reveals the hardship experienced by a woman artist in her expressing herself and maintaining herself in art. It is Mrs Ramsay’s love that shelters Lily Briscoe from the fragments of life, and the discrimination imposed on the woman artist by the male-dominating society, and eventually completes her artistic creation thus the fulfillment of her self as a young woman artist. It is her painting that visualizes Mrs. Ramsay’s everlasting love, and it is also through her art of letter that Woolf calls the revaluation of women’s values. Secondly, my paper will illustrate Woolf’s feminism viewpoints on the background of feminism ideology in her time. She atta



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