Ch13 C-E Sentence.ppt

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Ch13 C-E Sentence

汉译英的句法处理 Outline 主语的确定 谓语的选择 主谓语确定后其他句子成分的安排 语序的调整 否定的翻译 是字句的翻译 把字句的翻译 主语的确定 应遵循的原则: 必须符合英语的语言习惯和英美等国的文化习俗 必须符合英美人的思维方式 必须符合句中应突出的信息 必须符合句中的逻辑关系 必须符合英语的语言习惯和英美等国的文化习俗 热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易。 Customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts. 希望今后北京能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。 It is hoped that Beijing will establish friendly relations with more foreign cities in the future. 我知道你要说服他放弃那个计划是很困难的。 I know it is difficult for you to persuade him out of the plan. 必须符合英美人的思维方式 她从来没想到他是个不诚实的人。 It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man. 下倾盆大雨了。 It is raining cats and dogs. 南京发生过许多重大的历史事件。 Nanjing witnessed many great historic events. 必须符合句中应突出的信息 …… 到去年年底,我部已同有关省市签订了100余艘中小船舶的建造合同和协议。 By the end of last year, contracts and agreements were signed with some provinces and cities for the construction of more than 100 medium-and small-sized vessels. 我给你打国际直拨就跟给楼下的李姐打电话差不多,一拨就通。 An international phone call to you is as easy as a call to Sister Li downstairs. 必须符合句中的逻辑关系 他的英语讲得很好。 His English speaks good. He speaks good English. 我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。 Our cause has won victories one after another. We have won one victory after another for our cause. A series of victories have been won for our cause. 谓语的选择 人称和数与主语保持一致 乡镇企业的繁荣是我国农村改革的必然产物。 The prosperity of township enterprises is the inevitable outcome of the economic reform in the rural areas. 当前,我国的职业教育和成人教育正在加快发展。 Vocational education and adult education are being pushed on energetically in our country. 时态与原文语义相吻合 他做实验时心不在焉,几乎引起化学药物爆炸。 His absent-mindedness during the experiments nearly caused an explosion of the chemical. 他过去的那副尊容,只要你见过一次,无论什么时候你都不会忘记。 He had a face that once you saw is never forgotten. 逻辑上与主语搭配得当 这一证书课程分在三年中学完。 This certificate course of studies will spread over three years. 这次旅游可选择的地方有北京、上海或西安。 The tour will include Beijing, Shanghai and Xi’an. 必须与宾语搭配得当 从这次讲座中,我们学到了许多美国历史方面的知识。 We obtained much knowledge of American history from the lecture. absorb, acquire,


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