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Engineering measures to control windblown sand in Shiquanhe Town, Tibet 在西藏獅泉河鎮用工程控制飛砂 陳天慈 阿里地處西藏西部,平均海拔4500米以上。 (噶爾縣)獅泉河鎮是一座新興的城鎮,現為阿里地區的首府。 Abstract Shiquanhe is a major city in the northwestern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. In response to serious problems with windblown sand, sand-control engineering in the Shiquanhe Basin was designed to be implemented in four stages: 1990–1997, 1998–2001, 2002–2004, and 2005–2006. Based on field observations and wind tunnel experiments, gravel sand barriers and tree shelterbelts were designed to serve as the main measures to control windblown sand, with artificial grasslands and irrigation systems also contributing. Parallel 1.2-m-tall gravel sand barriers were set at an angle of 771 to the prevailing wind direction, at a design spacing equal to 10 times the barrier’s height (10H) in the first and second stages of the implementation and 12H in the third and fourth stages. But the first stage was never implemented. With the multiple rows of gravel barriers, wind speed reduction below the threshold values is obtained. Tree shelterbelts are arranged parallel to the gravel sand barriers, with local Salix hangongensis the main species. The permeability of the shelterbelts is designed to be between 50% and 80%. Shelterbelts are separated by 43.2 m, close to 14 times of the height of the shelterbelt. Artificial grasslands will be established between the gravel sand barriers and tree shelterbelts. Field investigations in 2002 and meteorological observations show that the second stage of the sand-control engineering has already begun to provide some beneficial effects. 摘要 獅泉河鎮,存在嚴重的飛砂問題,飛砂控制工程。 在獅泉河盆地設計成分四個階段:1990-1997年,1998-2001年,2002-2004年和2005-2006年。 基於現場觀測和風洞試驗,獅泉河盆地風沙災害治理工程由礫石沙障和防護林帶、人工草地和灌溉工程組成,根據礫石沙障和林帶防風阻沙效果的風動模擬實驗,以及戈壁風沙流的現場測定,礫石沙障走向角定為與盆地主害風向的夾角為77°,並在角盛行風方向建1.2m高的礫石沙障,在設計間距為10倍的礫石沙障高度(10H)施行於第一和第二階段,12H施行於第三和第四階段。 防護林帶與礫石沙障平行配置,選用當地適宜生長的班公柳(Salix hangongensis)主要造林樹種。疏通度為50%至80%的通風結構。防護林間隔43.2m,接近14倍防護林的高度。 實地調查在2002年和氣象


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