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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section A 3a—3c 出题:Miss Chen 审核:Miss Kong 第三页 学习目标 Do /don’t Does/doesn’tI , you , they , grandparents , we, Tom and Eric he , she , it ,Mary , my mother , my father ,Tom 课堂练习 一.词组翻译 1. 两支网球拍___________ 2. 听起来不错_____________ 3.他们的三个篮球______________ 4.她的六个排球_____________ 5.有一个乒乓球____________ 6.我们的8个棒球棒_________________ 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I ____ ____ (not have) a soccer ball. 2. She _______ (have) some pens ,but she _____ _____ ( not have) a dictionary . 3. --_____ Mary have a soccer ball? –Yes, she ______ . (do) 4. _______ you_______(play) baseball? 5. Let ______ (we) _______ (play) tennis. 作业练习 辨音题。(选出划线字母不同发音的一项) 1. A. have B. bat C. late D. that 2. A. fine B. tidy C. tennis D. nine 3. A. let B .pen C. get D. soccer 4. A. go B .does C. come D. some 5. A. us B. number C. cup D. ruler 一.单项选择。 ( ) 1. ---Does he have a ping—pong bat? A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he has C. Yes, he does D. Yes, he have ( ) 2.Let’s _______ to play soccer. A. to go B .goes C. going D .go ( ) 3. Do they_______ volleyball? A. have B .has C. haves D. does have ( ) 4. --_____ you have a watch?—No ,I ________. A .Does, do B .do , don`t C .Are , doesn`t D. Do, don`t ( ) 5. --______ he have a volleyball?—Yes , he _______. A. Do , don`t B. Does ,do C. Does ,does D. Is ,does 二.补全对话 A: Hello! Bob. How _____ you? B: _____ fine , Tony. And you? A: Fine, ____. Let’s play ______ . B: But I ______ have a soccer ball. A: Well, let’s _______ volleyball. B: That _______ good . A: _______ your ________? B: Look! _____ under my chair. Let’s go! 三.根据句意和首字母填词. 1. I h ______ a basketball. It’s yellow. 2. W______ this in English ? It’s a s______ ball. 3. D____ your father have a tennis b________ ? 4. D___


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