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皖江城市带承接产业转移对XX县第三产业的影响 XX XX学院 摘 要:随着皖江城市带承接产业转移的浪潮席卷整个皖江区域,XX县作为产业转移的排头兵与重点区域之一,在承接以大工业为主的第二产业的同时,也给XX县的第三产业的发展带来了前所未有的机遇与挑战。第三产业是吸纳就业劳动力的大户,是经济结构优化和合理的重要标志之一。因此大力发展第三产业对XX县乃至整个皖江城市群至关重要。本文在初步分析皖江城市带承接产业转移对XX县第三产业的影响的同时,也简要的探讨了XX县第三产业在此次产业转移的浪潮中将何去何从,以及如何保持产业结构的合理化比例与平衡发展的一些对策,使XX县和整个皖江城市带的经济和社会得以健康、稳定发展。 关键词:皖江城市带;第三产业;影响;对策 Little City with the transfer of industries to the tertiary industry of XX County XX XX Abstract: With the Little City with a wave swept through the industrial transfer Wanjiang region, Wuwei County, as an industry pioneer and the transfer of one of the key areas in order to undertake the second largest industry-based industries, but also the first to Wuwei County the development of tertiary industries has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The third sector is large labor force to absorb employment, and reasonable economic structure optimization an important landmark. Therefore, vigorously develop the tertiary industry of Wuwei County in Anhui province and the whole group is essential. Based on the preliminary analysis of Little City with a transfer of industry of the impact of Wuwei County, while the tertiary industry, but also briefly discussed the tertiary industry in Wuwei County, the wave of the industrial transfer will go, and how to maintain the rationalization of industrial structure ratio and the balanced development of some of the solutions that Wuwei County and the Little City with the economic and social to the healthy and stable development. Key words: Little City with Wangjiang; Tertiary Industry; Impact; Strategy 一、皖江城市带承接产业转移发生的国内背景 2010年1月国务院正式批复《皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区规划》。作为首个获批复的国家级承接产业转移示范区,皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区是国家实施区域协调发展战略的又一重大举措,对于探索中西部地区承接产业转移新途径和新模式、深入实施促进中部地区崛起战略具有重要意义。 皖江城市带包括合肥、芜湖、马鞍山、铜陵、安庆、池州、巢湖、滁州、宣城九市,以及六安市的金安区和舒城县,共59个县(市、区),土地面积7.6万平方公里,人口3058万人,2008年国内生产总值5818亿元,分别占XX全省的54%、45%和66%。皖江城市带是实施促进中部地区崛起战略的重点开发区域,是泛长三角地区的重要组成部分,在中西部承接产业转移中具有重要的战略地位。 皖江城市带区位优势明显,是长三角向中西部地区实施产业转移和辐射的最佳区域,具有产业基础好、要素成本低、配套能力强等综合优


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