国际结算(chap6-9)new 2.ppt

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国际结算(chap6-9)new 2

Chapter 6 Letter of Credit 信用证;;;;信用证的三个要素;;;(4)Banks main responsibility is to examine each document presented to see whether it appears on the face to be in compliance with the credit terms. 信用证业务所涉及的银行对所提交单据的形式、是否充足、准确度、真实性、是否伪造或合法性不承担责任。银行在这方面的主要责任是审查提交给他们的每一份单据在表面上是否与信用证条款相符。 ;; 6.1.4 Parties involved in a documentary credit 信用证的当事人 在跟单信用证业务中有四个主要当事人,以及一些为使交易顺利进行而涉及的其它当事人。每一个当事人都有多个名称。 ;;信用证当事人;;;;;;;信用证最迟交单日;;;;;;;沉默保兑Silent confirmation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;Partial waiver of rights on amendment 部分放弃修改权利:对于除去下列修改以外,受益人放弃不允许转让行把原证修改直接通知受让人的权利。对于增额及/或展期的修改,受益人不给予转让行直接通知修改的权利,必须在得到受益人同意后方可通知受让人。所有其他修改可以直接通知受让人。 Waiver of rights on amendment 放弃修改权利:受益人放弃不允许转让行把原证修改通知受让人的权利,因此所有修改可以直接通知受让人。 第一受益人不要调换发票不赚取差价时,就采用这种方式,这对于第二受益人十分有利。 2. Non-transferable credit 不可转让信用证;; Whenever payment is made, it becomes a final payment without any right of recourse. 即期付款信用证的指定付款行可以是开证行、通知行或任何其它的第三家银行。 2. Acceptance credit 承兑信用证 The draft thereunder must be a time bill drawn on the issuing bank, advising bank, or any other drawee bank. The purpose of an acceptance credit is to give the importer time to make payment.;;;;;;;;;;;;;; With back-to-back documentary credit, the second credit should be worded so as to produce the documents (apart from the commercial invoice) required by the primary credit, and to produce them within the time limits set by the primary credit, in order that the primary beneficiary under the first credit may be able to present his documents within the time limits of the first credit.;;;;;;;;;;;Chapter Seven L/C Practice 信用证实务;;;;;Rules to follow for the applicant: (1) Refer to documents only, not to the goods themselves; 只涉及单据 (2) Be clear and concise, free from excessive details 清楚和准确,避免过多细节 The more detailed the documentary credit is, the more likely the seller will reject it as too difficult to fulfill, the more likely that banks will find a discrepanc


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