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酒店管理概论 课程介绍 本课程要求学生了解现代酒店业的现状、酒店的基本框架、经营与管理酒店的基本方法,理解不同类型酒店的不同市场定位及特点,掌握酒店行业运营规律。 教材:Welcome to Hospitality……an Introduction 成绩评定: 平时成绩40% (考勤10%,课堂演讲+小论文30%),期末考成绩60% 教材介绍 Overview and Objectives Key Terms Feature Pages Chapter Summary End-of-Chapter Exercises Outlining its scope Examing its mission Describing ways to pursue its many career opportunities overviews Chapter1 Welcome to the Hospitality Industry This Chapter introduces the industry by: LOREM IPSUM DOLOR Chapter1 Welcome to the Hospitality Industry Key Terms amenities entrepreneur cuisines Gen-Xers fusion cuisines Gestalt evaluation hospitality and tourism network labor-intensive hospitality industry millennial generation Service encounter on-line distribution trends tourism Chapter1 Welcome to the Hospitality Industry 1 The Scope of the Hospitality Industry 1.1 An Age-Old Industry 1.2 Hospitality and the Tourism Network 1.2.1 Industry Connections and Global Forces 1.2.2 Lodging Industry Component 1.2.3 Food and Beverage Industry Component 2 Service-The Mission and Product of Hospitality 2.1 The Nature of the Product 2.2 Issues Arising from Product Delivery 2.2.1 Perception of Value 2.2.2 The Service Encounter 2.2.3 Analyzing the Service Encounter 2.3 Principle for Achieving Guest Satisfaction Chapter1 Welcome to the Hospitality Industry 3 Pursuing Opportunities in Hospitality 3.1 Opportunities Abound 3.2 Identifying Required Skills and Abilities 3.3 Meeting the Requirements 3.3.1 Formal Education 3.3.2 Informal Education 3.3.3 Hotels , Restaurant , and Tourism Association 3.3.4 Through Lifelong Learning LOREM IPSUM DOLOR Chapter1 Welcome to the Hospitality


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