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The Tense The tense is a verb form denoting the time of an action. In a broad sense, it also involves the state of an action going on at a given time.there are sixteen tenses in English. Formation of the singular verb Singular verbs share the formation of the plural noun. (1) Generally, verbs take the singular ending “-s”, which is pronounced as [s] after voiceless consonants, and as [z] after voiced consonants and vowels. sleep-sleeps, blow-blows (2) Verbs ending in “s, x, z, sh, ch” take the singular ending “es”, which is pronounced as [iz]. kiss-kisses, watch-watches, brush-brushes (3) Verbs ending in “f” or “fe” form their singular by changing “f” or “fe” into “ves”. He often knives passers-by. (4) Verbs ending in “y” preceded by a consonant letter form their singular by changing “y” into “ies”. fly-flies Exceptions: have-has, go-goes, do-does The Present Indefinite Tense 1)表示习惯性动作、普遍真理、客观事实。 He often goes to school at seven in the morning. The earth truns round the sun. China is in the east of Asia. 2)用于剧本、电影、比赛的解说或评论。 (Mrs. Peters takes off her tippet, goes to hang it on the hook…)---from Trifles 3)表示“能力、性格、性情”。 She speaks a very fluent English. He likes watching TV. He stands very firm on this matter. 4)表示主语的“身份、特征、状态”等。 He is a worker. Mary is very beautiful. He is still living. 5)用在时间、条件、方式、让步等状语从句中代替一般将来时。 It it rains tomorrow, the sports meeting will be pu off till next week. When I go there tomorrow, I shall take mary with me. I’ll do as my father says. 6)代替一般过去时叙述过去的时间,以求获得生动的效果,这种语法现象叫“历史现在时”。 Mary alone walks in the street, looks cautiously about, but sees no one around. Suddenly she feels a big hand rest on her left shoulder…. Formation of the past form and the past participle of regular verbs. (1) Generally verbs form their past form and past participle by taking the ending “ed”. laugh-laughed-laughed (2) Verbs ending in “e” form their past form and past participle by taking only “d”. live-lived-lived, die-died-died (3) If a monosyllabic verb ( or a


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