Book6 Module5 Cloning说课稿概要1.ppt

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Book6 Module5 Cloning说课稿概要1

Reading and Vocabulary * The analysis of the teaching material The topic is Cloning,让学生初步了解一些生命科学方面的知识,并能就Cloning这一话题发表自己的看法。 READING AND VOCABULARY部分重点介绍了小说Frankenstein的故事梗概及据此改编的影片内容摘要。 教学重点、难点 Teaching keys 教学重点 1.Learn new vocabulary about the novel and film Frankenstein. 2.Talk about the novel and film Frankenstein. Teaching difficulties 教学难点 3.Deal with the comprehension exercises. * Teaching goals 教学目标 Teaching goals 教学目标 Knowledge goals 目标语言 To help students master some words, phrases, and expressions related to describing the novel and film Frankenstein. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about the novel and film Frankenstein. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to talk about the novel and film Frankenstein. * Teaching methods 教法 (1)Student-centered method; (2)Task-based method; (3)Group-work method * Teaching procedures To encourage the students to enjoy the novel. The task Teaching procedures ways (教学过程与方式) Questions Pictures Guessing Fast-reading Careful-reading Summary Speaking Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading * Pre-reading – 1. Questions (3m) Answer the following questions. Pre-reading 1) Do you like to see films? What kind of films do you like to see? 2) Have you ever seen a science fiction film? If so, please give the names of the film. 3) How much do you know about the film “Frankenstein”? * Walking in Space in 2001 2001年漫游太空 (War of the World) 《星际战争》 Pre-reading Pre-reading – 2. Pictures(2m) Look at the photos below and learn something about them. * 侏罗纪公园》Jurassic Park 内容:两位生物学家第一次来到侏罗纪公园,他们乘坐的吉普车来到原野上,其中的一位被眼前的情景惊呆了,而他的伙伴还在埋头翻着公园地图,他用手将伙伴的头扳过来,这下轮到伙伴瞪大眼睛了:只见在树丛中一只巨大的雷龙正在悠闲的散步,它还不时动作优雅地去啃食树叶,它的脚步落下时使大地都为之颤动。 * ET内容:电影的主人公一大群孩子骑着自行车带着外星植物学家ET四处逃避大人的追捕,那些大人要把ET当成研究品。在路口,警察们已经严阵以待,一辆辆警车将公路堵得水泄不通,就在孩子们一筹莫展之际,ET发出异能使所有的孩子和他们的车子在路障和目瞪口呆的大人们面前腾空而起,逃出包围圈。月光中孩子们奋力蹬车,御风而行。   * Mary Shelly From Frankenstein(1931) The aim To refresh students’ mind and lead to the main passage. * While-reading 1.


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