book6 unit1 words and expressions概要1.ppt

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book6 unit1 words and expressions概要1

Lucky! No exercise! 1 point 高考链接 2 points 组内成员可以讨论完成,若答题错误其他组成员可抢答。 ---How did you like Nick’s performance last night? ---To be honest, his singing didn’t ____ to me much. (2010 北京) appeal B. belong C. refer D. occur 开始计时 Multiple choice(单项选择) 答对得一分,组内成员可以讨论完成,若答题错误其他组成员可抢答。 ______ soldiers were sent to the area where the earthquake had happened. A great deal of B. A large number of? C. A great amount of  D. A plenty of? 开始计时 Multiple choice(单项选择) 答对得一分,组内成员可以讨论完成,若答题错误其他组成员可抢答。 This kind of desk can be_____ to the height you need. adopted B. adjusted? C. addicted  D. adapted 开始计时 高考链接 2 points 组内成员可以讨论完成,若答题错误其他组成员可抢答。 Jack is late again. It is____ of him to keep others waiting . (2008 江西) normal  B. ordinary C. common D. typical 开始计时 aim adopt possess a great deal appeal attempt Part 4 即兴演讲 use the new words to make a speech I have a dream 我有一个梦想:有一天, 这个世界能力争停止释放大量的二氧化碳。 我有一个梦想:有一天, 在地球上人们会试图种植更多的树木。 我有一个梦想:有一天, 在非洲的孩子们将拥有更多的淡水和更少的饥饿。 这是我们的希望。这也是我要向全人类呼吁的信仰。有了这个信念, 我们就能够打破所有的预言。 开始计时 5 minutes Show time I have a dream that one day this world will _______ stopping releasing ______________ carbon dioxide. I have a dream that one day on the earth people will __________ plant more trees. I have a dream that one day the children in Africa will ________ more fresh water and less starvation. This is our hope. This is the faith that I will ________ the whole human. With this faith we will be able to break all the _________. aim at a great deal of possess attempt to appeal to prediction Let green ring-from the earth. Homework 1.Try to make up a dialogue using the words we have learned today. 2.Surf the internet to get more information about art. Welcome to our sunny English world A mother mouse was out for a walk with her babies when she spotted a cat crouched behind a bush. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the mice.      Mo


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