裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记_第14课 精排全.doc

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记_第14课 精排全.doc

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裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记_第14课 精排全

lesson 14 Do you speak English? New words and expressions 1.amusing [??mju:zi?] adj. 好笑的,有趣的 2.experience [iks?pi?ri?ns] n. 经历 3.wave [weiv] v.招手 4.lift [lift] n. 搭便车 5.reply [ri?plai] v.回答 6.language [?l??ɡwid?] n.语言 7.journey [?d??:ni] n.旅行 1.amusing adj. enjoyable, causing laughter or smiles 好笑的,有趣的 amuse [?mju:z] v. make sb laugh or smile eg. Everyone was amused at the cute boy. 大家都被这个可爱的孩子逗乐了。 or: Everyone was amused by the cute boy. eg. The amusing story amused the children. 这个好笑的故事把孩子们都逗乐了。 be amused at/by 因…感到好笑 be amused to do sth 做…取乐 amusement n. 娱乐,消遣 [U] eg. She looked at me in amusement. 她饶有趣味地看着我。 experience [ikspi?ri?ns] 1) n. 经历,阅历 [C] an amusing experience 一次好笑的经历 an unpleasant experience 一次不愉快的经历 an unusual experience 一次不同寻常的经历 eg. He had many amusing experiences while traveling in France. ? ? 当他在法国旅行时,有过许多有趣的经历。 eg. You must try some of her home-made wine. Its quite an experience. ? ? 你一定要尝尝她家自酿的酒,那真是一饱口福啊。 2) n. 经验 [U] eg. He hasnt had enough work experience. 他没有足够的工作经验。 eg. I know from experience that he will arrive late. 我从经验得出,他一定会迟到的。 3) v. 经历,感受 eg. Experience happiness and bitterness together. 同甘共苦。 ? ? Go through thick and thin together. (口)同甘共苦 experienced [?ksp??ri:?nst] adj. 有经验的, 老练的, 经验丰富的 an experienced nurse 一个有经验的护士 inexperienced [?n?ksp??r??nst] adj.无经验的,不熟练的 eg. He is inexperienced in looking after children. 他照看孩子没有经验。 1) v. 指固定物体上下或往复摆动或摇动 a flag waving in the breeze 在微风中飘扬的一面旗子 2) 挥手,招手 wave to sb 朝某人挥手 wave at sb 3) vt. 挥动 wave a hand 挥手 wave a flag 挥舞一面旗子 wave an umbrella 挥舞一把雨伞 wave sb goodbye 同某人挥手道别 wave goodbye to sb lift 1) vt. 举起,抬起 eg. The box is too heavy; I cant lift it. 这只箱子太沉,我抬不动。 lift ones hat 举起帽子(打招呼时的动作) 2) vi. (雾,云)消散,(雨,雪)停止 eg. The fog has lifted. 雾已经散了。 3) n. 电梯 elevator [eliveit?] (Am) 4) n. 搭便车 eg. Ill give you a lift to work. 我会捎你去上班。 ask for a lift 要求搭车 hitch [hit?] a lift 搭车 5) n. (心情的)高涨,飞扬 eg. The victory gave our spirits a lift. 那场胜利使我们精神为之一振。 6) liftboy 电梯服务员 /elevator operator (Am) reply v


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